USDA Stakeholder Workshop on Animal Bioinformatics: Summary and Recommendations.

Debora L Hamernik, David L Adelson
Author Information
  1. Debora L Hamernik: USDA-CSREES: (First Class Mail) 1400 Independence Ave SW; Stop 2220 Washington DC 20250-2220 USA.


An electronic workshop was conducted on 4 November-13 December 2002 to discuss current issues and needs in animal bioinformatics. The electronic (e-mail listserver) format was chosen to provide a relatively speedy process that is broad in scope, cost-efficient and easily accessible to all participants. Approximately 40 panelists with diverse species and discipline expertise communicated through the panel e-mail listserver. The panel included scientists from academia, industry and government, in the USA, Australia and the UK. A second 'stakeholder' e-mail listserver was used to obtain input from a broad audience with general interests in animal genomics. The objectives of the electronic workshop were: (a) to define priorities for animal genome database development; and (b) to recommend ways in which the USDA could provide leadership in the area of animal genome database development. E-mail messages from panelists and stakeholders are archived at Priorities defined for animal genome database development included: (a) data repository; (b) tools for genome analysis; (c) annotation; (d) practical application of genomic data; and (e) a biological framework for DNA sequence. A stable source of funding, such as the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS), was recommended to support maintenance of data repositories and data curation. Continued support for competitive grants programs within the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES) was recommended for tool development and hypothesis-driven research projects in genome analysis. Additional stakeholder input will be required to continuously refine priorities and maximize the use of limited resources for animal bioinformatics within the USDA.

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0animalgenomeUSDAdevelopmentdataelectronice-maillistserverdatabaseworkshopbioinformaticsprovidebroadpanelistspanelinputprioritiesbanalysisResearchServicerecommendedsupportwithinconducted4November-13December2002discusscurrentissuesneedsformatchosenrelativelyspeedyprocessscopecost-efficienteasilyaccessibleparticipantsApproximately40diversespeciesdisciplineexpertisecommunicatedincludedscientistsacademiaindustrygovernmentUSAAustraliaUKsecond'stakeholder'usedobtainaudiencegeneralinterestsgenomicsobjectiveswere:definerecommendwaysleadershipareaE-mailmessagesstakeholdersarchivedhttp://genomecvmumnedu/bioinfo/Prioritiesdefinedincluded:repositorytoolscannotationdpracticalapplicationgenomicebiologicalframeworkDNAsequencestablesourcefundingAgriculturalARSmaintenancerepositoriescurationContinuedcompetitivegrantsprogramsCooperativeStateEducationExtensionCSREEStoolhypothesis-drivenresearchprojectsAdditionalstakeholderwillrequiredcontinuouslyrefinemaximizeuselimitedresourcesStakeholderWorkshopAnimalBioinformatics:SummaryRecommendations

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