Personal digital assistants to collect tuberculosis bacteriology data in Peru reduce delays, errors, and workload, and are acceptable to users: cluster randomized controlled trial.

Joaquín A Blaya, Ted Cohen, Pablo Rodríguez, Jihoon Kim, Hamish S F Fraser
Author Information
  1. Joaquín A Blaya: Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of a personal digital assistant (PDA)-based system for collecting tuberculosis test results and to compare this new system to the previous paper-based system. The PDA- and paper-based systems were evaluated based on processing times, frequency of errors, and number of work-hours expended by data collectors.
METHODS: We conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial in 93 health establishments in Peru. Baseline data were collected for 19 months. Districts (n=4) were then randomly assigned to intervention (PDA) or control (paper) groups, and further data were collected for 6 months. Comparisons were made between intervention and control districts and within-districts before and after the introduction of the intervention.
RESULTS: The PDA-based system had a significant effect on processing times (p<0.001) and errors (p=0.005). In the between-districts comparison, the median processing time for cultures was reduced from 23 to 8 days and for smears was reduced from 25 to 12 days. In that comparison, the proportion of cultures with delays >90 days was reduced from 9.2% to 0.1% and the number of errors was decreased by 57.1%. The intervention reduced the work-hours necessary to process results by 70% and was preferred by all users.
CONCLUSIONS: A well-designed PDA-based system to collect data from institutions over a large, resource-poor area can significantly reduce delays, errors, and person-hours spent processing data.


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  1. K08 AI055985/NIAID NIH HHS
  2. K08 AI055985-06/NIAID NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Community Health Centers
Computers, Handheld
Developing Countries
Medical Informatics Applications
Medical Records Systems, Computerized
Organizational Case Studies
Population Surveillance
Public Health Administration
Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0datasystemerrorsprocessinginterventionreduceddaysdelaysdigitalPDAtuberculosisresultspaper-basedtimesnumberwork-hoursclusterrandomizedcontrolledtrialPerucollectedmonthscontrolPDA-basedcomparisoncultures1%collectreduceOBJECTIVES:evaluateeffectivenesspersonalassistant-basedcollectingtestcomparenewpreviousPDA-systemsevaluatedbasedfrequencyexpendedcollectorsMETHODS:conducted93healthestablishmentsBaseline19Districtsn=4randomlyassignedpapergroups6Comparisonsmadedistrictswithin-districtsintroductionRESULTS:significanteffectp<0001p=0005between-districtsmediantime238smears2512proportion>9092%0decreased57necessaryprocess70%preferredusersCONCLUSIONS:well-designedinstitutionslargeresource-poorareacansignificantlyperson-hoursspentPersonalassistantsbacteriologyworkloadacceptableusers:

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