Life events and sexual risk among HIV-negative, heterosexual, methamphetamine users.

Shirley J Semple, Steffanie A Strathdee, Jim Zians, Thomas L Patterson
Author Information
  1. Shirley J Semple: Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0680, USA.


Identifying psychosocial factors associated with sexual risk behavior among methamphetamine users is essential to enhancing HIV and sexually transmitted infection prevention. This study examined the relationship between positive and negative life events and sexual risk behavior in a sample of 100 HIV-negative, heterosexually identified, methamphetamine-using men and women. Negative life event categories included death of a significant other, negative health event involving self or significant other, and child custody or visitation issues. Categories of positive life events included birth or pregnancy involving self or significant other, a positive relationship event, and a positive life change. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that negative life events were positively associated with total number of unprotected sex acts, whereas positive life events were not associated with sexual risk taking. Also, amount of methamphetamine used did not moderate the relationship between life events and sexual risk behavior. These data support future research to identify underlying mechanisms that link negative life events to sexual risk taking in this high-risk population.


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  1. R01 MH061146/NIMH NIH HHS
  2. R01 MH061146-08/NIMH NIH HHS
  3. R01 MH61146-06/NIMH NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Amphetamine-Related Disorders
Central Nervous System Stimulants
HIV Infections
HIV Seronegativity
Life Change Events
Middle Aged
Multivariate Analysis
Risk Factors
Sexual Behavior
Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Central Nervous System Stimulants

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0lifeeventssexualriskpositivenegativeassociatedbehaviormethamphetaminerelationshipeventsignificantamongusersHIV-negativeincludedinvolvingselftakingIdentifyingpsychosocialfactorsessentialenhancingHIVsexuallytransmittedinfectionpreventionstudyexaminedsample100heterosexuallyidentifiedmethamphetamine-usingmenwomenNegativecategoriesdeathhealthchildcustodyvisitationissuesCategoriesbirthpregnancychangeMultivariateanalysesdemonstratedpositivelytotalnumberunprotectedsexactswhereasAlsoamountusedmoderatedatasupportfutureresearchidentifyunderlyingmechanismslinkhigh-riskpopulationLifeheterosexual

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