Memory functioning in developmental dyslexia: an analysis using two clinical memory measures.

Michelle Y Kibby
Author Information
  1. Michelle Y Kibby: Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, LSII, Room 281, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA.


The goals of this project were threefold: to determine the nature of the memory deficit in children/adolescents with dyslexia, to utilize clinical memory measures in this endeavor, and to determine the extent to which semantic short-term memory (STM) is related to basic reading performance. Two studies were conducted using different samples, one incorporating the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning and the other incorporating the California Verbal Learning Test-Children's Version. Results suggest that phonological STM is deficient in children with dyslexia, but semantic STM and visual-spatial STM are intact. Long-term memory (LTM) for both visual and verbal material also is intact. Regarding reading performance, semantic STM had small correlations with word identification and pseudoword decoding across studies despite phonological STM being moderately to strongly related to both basic reading skills. Overall, results are consistent with the phonological core deficit model of dyslexia as only phonological STM was affected in dyslexia and related to basic reading skill.


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  1. R03 HD048752/NICHD NIH HHS
  2. R03 HD048752-02/NICHD NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Case-Control Studies
Memory, Short-Term
Neuropsychological Tests

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0STMmemorydyslexiareadingphonologicalsemanticrelatedbasicdeterminedeficitclinicalmeasuresperformancestudiesusingincorporatingMemoryLearningintactgoalsprojectthreefold:naturechildren/adolescentsutilizeendeavorextentshort-termTwoconducteddifferentsamplesoneWideRangeAssessmentCaliforniaVerbalTest-Children'sVersionResultssuggestdeficientchildrenvisual-spatialLong-termLTMvisualverbalmaterialalsoRegardingsmallcorrelationswordidentificationpseudoworddecodingacrossdespitemoderatelystronglyskillsOverallresultsconsistentcoremodelaffectedskillfunctioningdevelopmentaldyslexia:analysistwo

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