Molecular taxonomy and species delimitation in Andean Schistocerca (Orthoptera: Acrididae).

Amir Yassin, Christiane Amédégnato, Corinne Cruaud, Michel Veuille
Author Information
  1. Amir Yassin: UMR CNRS 7205 Origine Structure and Evolution of Biodiversity, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.


The acridian genus Schistocerca comprises about 50 species which are endemic to the New World, except the Old World locust S. gregaria. Their morphological identification is rendered difficult by phase polyphenism, geographical overlap due to migrations or swarming, the difficulty to easily differentiate genitalia and the occurrence of interspecific hybrids. The three species reported from Peru include the swarming species S. interrita, a pest that can be recognized only by taxonomists. We show that it can be unambiguously identified using a mitochondrial DNA fragment known to have barcoding properties in this genus. We used several methods to delimitate Peruvian species. While S. interrita and S. pallens were well characterized, S. piceifrons peruviana was split into several taxa by a phylogeny-based method, whereas a combination of population genetics methods led one to identify only the three nominal species. A tentative reconstruction of the species history shows that several populations of S. piceifrons peruviana have recently increased in number, while exchanging some migrants, whereas an isolated population at the northern margin of the species range is substantially differentiated while exchanging no migrants with the others. This complex history has resulted in an atypical lineage pattern that appears to have confounded the standard assumptions underlying available species delimitation methods. Because of its behavioral property which tends to keep it panmictic, the identification of the swarming S. interrita remained unaffected.

MeSH Term

DNA, Mitochondrial
Gene Flow
Genetics, Population
Sequence Analysis, DNA
Species Specificity


DNA, Mitochondrial

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0speciesSswarminginterritaseveralmethodsgenusSchistocercaWorldidentificationthreecanpiceifronsperuvianawhereaspopulationhistoryexchangingmigrantsdelimitationacridiancomprises50endemicNewexceptOldlocustgregariamorphologicalrendereddifficultphasepolyphenismgeographicaloverlapduemigrationsdifficultyeasilydifferentiategenitaliaoccurrenceinterspecifichybridsreportedPeruincludepestrecognizedtaxonomistsshowunambiguouslyidentifiedusingmitochondrialDNAfragmentknownbarcodingpropertiesuseddelimitatePeruvianpallenswellcharacterizedsplittaxaphylogeny-basedmethodcombinationgeneticsledoneidentifynominaltentativereconstructionshowspopulationsrecentlyincreasednumberisolatednorthernmarginrangesubstantiallydifferentiatedotherscomplexresultedatypicallineagepatternappearsconfoundedstandardassumptionsunderlyingavailablebehavioralpropertytendskeeppanmicticremainedunaffectedMoleculartaxonomyAndeanOrthoptera:Acrididae

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