Does granisetron eliminate the gag reflex? A crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study.

Silvina Friedlander Barenboim, Vladislav Dvoyris, Eliezer Kaufman
Author Information
  1. Silvina Friedlander Barenboim: Department of Oral Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel.


Although gagging is a frequent problem that, when severe, can jeopardize the dental procedure, no single protocol is used to alleviate this phenomenon. Selective 5-HT3 antagonists, such as granisetron, may attenuate gagging. In this study, granisetron and placebo were administered intravenously, in a crossover, double-blind manner, to 25 healthy volunteers in 2 different sessions. Gagging levels were recorded before and after administration, as were BP, pulse, and O2 saturation. Recorded results were analyzed with the use of tests for nonparametric values (P = .05). A significant increase in the depth of swab insertion was noted after administration of both placebo and drug. The increase in drug effectiveness correlated with decreased body weight. The true efficacy of granisetron in gagger patients with this treatment protocol has yet to be fully established, although it has been theorized that an increased dosage of granisetron may have a better effect.


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MeSH Term

Body Weight
Cross-Over Studies
Double-Blind Method
Injections, Intravenous
Serotonin Antagonists


Serotonin Antagonists

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0granisetrongaggingprotocolmaystudyplacebocrossoverdouble-blindadministrationincreasedrugAlthoughfrequentproblemseverecanjeopardizedentalproceduresingleusedalleviatephenomenonSelective5-HT3antagonistsattenuateadministeredintravenouslymanner25healthyvolunteers2differentsessionsGagginglevelsrecordedBPpulseO2saturationRecordedresultsanalyzedusetestsnonparametricvaluesP=05significantdepthswabinsertionnotedeffectivenesscorrelateddecreasedbodyweighttrueefficacygaggerpatientstreatmentyetfullyestablishedalthoughtheorizedincreaseddosagebettereffecteliminategagreflex?placebo-controlledpilot

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