Imaging studies for the early detection of breast cancer.

Sylvia H Heywang-Köbrunner, Ingrid Schreer, Walter Heindel, Alexander Katalinic
Author Information
  1. Sylvia H Heywang-Köbrunner: Referenzzentrum Mammographie München, Einsteinstrasse 3, Munich, Germany.


INTRODUCTION: The effectiveness of mammographic screening has been proven at evidence level 1A. Mammography offers the best ratio of benefits to side effects of any screening method tested to date. In this literature review, we ask whether early detection might be improved still further by combining mammography with other imaging modalities.
METHODS: The authors performed a selective literature search for combined key words in the Medline and Cochrane Library databases from 1/2000 to 11/2007, screened all titles, and evaluated the full text of all original articles. We selected articles for further analysis according to systematic criteria (minimum numbers, avoidance of overlap) and also considered published guidelines.
RESULTS: No screening studies of comparable size to those for mammography are available for ultrasound or MRI. Smaller studies have indicated that the use of these two modalities might lead to the detection of additional cancers in selected subgroups. For mass screening an increase in the detection rate of 10% to 15% might become possible. This increase would probably be associated with a tripling of the breast biopsy rate, compared to mammography alone. The number of indeterminate cases in which short-term follow-up (i.e., at 6 months) would be recommended would increase roughly tenfold with MRI, and to an unknown extent with ultrasound. The related quality-assurance issues remain to be addressed.
DISCUSSION: Randomized controlled studies are needed for a realistic assessment of the achievable benefits and unavoidable side effects of combined screening. For women whose risk of breast cancer is not elevated, mammography remains the standard screening method.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0screeningdetectionmammographystudiesbreastearlymightincreasecancerbenefitssideeffectsmethodliteratureimagingmodalitiescombinedarticlesselectedultrasoundMRIrateINTRODUCTION:effectivenessmammographicprovenevidencelevel1AMammographyoffersbestratiotesteddatereviewaskwhetherimprovedstillcombiningMETHODS:authorsperformedselectivesearchkeywordsMedlineCochraneLibrarydatabases1/200011/2007screenedtitlesevaluatedfulltextoriginalanalysisaccordingsystematiccriteriaminimumnumbersavoidanceoverlapalsoconsideredpublishedguidelinesRESULTS:comparablesizeavailableSmallerindicatedusetwoleadadditionalcancerssubgroupsmass10%15%becomepossibleprobablyassociatedtriplingbiopsycomparedalonenumberindeterminatecasesshort-termfollow-upie6monthsrecommendedroughlytenfoldunknownextentrelatedquality-assuranceissuesremainaddressedDISCUSSION:RandomizedcontrolledneededrealisticassessmentachievableunavoidablewomenwhoseriskelevatedremainsstandardImagingmagneticresonanceultrasonography

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