Use of crystal methamphetamine, Viagra, and sexual behavior.

Dennis G Fisher, Grace L Reynolds, Lucy E Napper
Author Information
  1. Dennis G Fisher: California State University, Long Beach, California, USA.


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Methamphetamine (meth) use has been shown in the literature to be associated with high-risk sexual behavior for both homosexual (MSM) and heterosexual samples for over a decade. The use of Viagra has also been shown to be associated with high-risk sexual behavior. The purpose of this review is to update the record on Viagra and on the combination of Viagra and meth use.
RECENT FINDINGS: There is now strong evidence that the use of Viagra is associated with HIV seroconversion in MSM. The combination of taking both meth and Viagra is strongly associated with much higher sexually transmitted disease and HIV rates. There is some evidence that Viagra is associated with insertive and meth is associated with receptive anal intercourse by men.
SUMMARY: The evidence is strong to support the relationship between Viagra use and HIV seroconversion now that more sophisticated analyses have been done. The meth-Viagra recreational drug combination is of very high risk. More research is needed to generate longitudinal and event-level data that are necessary to answer fine-grained questions about drug combinations and the relationship with sexual behavior.


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  1. P20 MD003942-01/NIMHD NIH HHS
  2. F32 DA022902-02/NIDA NIH HHS
  3. F32 DA022902/NIDA NIH HHS
  4. F32DA022902/NIDA NIH HHS
  5. R01 DA010181-05/NIDA NIH HHS
  6. F32 DA022902-03/NIDA NIH HHS
  7. R01 DC010181/NIDCD NIH HHS
  8. P20 MD003942/NIMHD NIH HHS
  9. F32 DA022902-01A1/NIDA NIH HHS
  10. R01 DA010181-04/NIDA NIH HHS

MeSH Term

HIV Infections
Homosexuality, Male
Sexual Behavior
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sildenafil Citrate


Sildenafil Citrate

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ViagraassociatedusemethsexualbehaviorcombinationevidenceHIVshownhigh-riskMSMnowstrongseroconversionrelationshipdrugPURPOSEOFREVIEW:MethamphetamineliteraturehomosexualheterosexualsamplesdecadealsopurposereviewupdaterecordRECENTFINDINGS:takingstronglymuchhighersexuallytransmitteddiseaseratesinsertivereceptiveanalintercoursemenSUMMARY:supportsophisticatedanalysesdonemeth-Viagrarecreationalhighriskresearchneededgeneratelongitudinalevent-leveldatanecessaryanswerfine-grainedquestionscombinationsUsecrystalmethamphetamine

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