Cold tolerance of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis in Europe.

Nick Berkvens, Jeffrey S Bale, Dirk Berkvens, Luc Tirry, Patrick De Clercq
Author Information
  1. Nick Berkvens: Laboratory of Agrozoology, Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.


As an essential aspect of its invasive character in Europe, this study examined the cold hardiness of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis. This was done for field-collected populations in Belgium overwintering either in an unheated indoor or an outdoor hibernaculum. The supercooling point, lower lethal temperature and lower lethal time at 0 and -5 degrees C were determined. Possible seasonal changes were taken into account by monitoring the populations during each winter month. The supercooling point and lower lethal temperature remained relatively constant for the overwintering populations in the outdoor hibernaculum, ranging from -17.5 to -16.5 degrees C and -17.1 to -16.3 degrees C, respectively. In contrast, the supercooling point and lower lethal temperature of the population overwintering indoors clearly increased as the winter progressed, from -18.5 to -13.2 degrees C and -16.7 to -14.1 degrees C, respectively. A proportion of the individuals overwintering indoors could thus encounter problems surviving the winter due to premature activation at times when food is not available. The lower lethal time of field populations at 0 and -5 degrees C varied from 18 to 24 weeks and from 12 to 22 weeks, respectively. Morph type and sex had no influence on the cold hardiness of the overwintering adults. In addition, all cold tolerance parameters differed greatly between the laboratory population and field populations, implying that cold tolerance research based solely on laboratory populations may not be representative of field situations. We conclude from this study that the strong cold hardiness of H. axyridis in Europe may enable the species to establish in large parts of the continent.

MeSH Term

Cold Temperature

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0populationsdegreesCcoldoverwinteringlowerlethalEuropehardinessaxyridissupercoolingpointtemperaturewinter5-16respectivelyfieldtolerancestudyharlequinladybirdHarmoniaoutdoorhibernaculumtime0-5-171populationindoorsweekslaboratorymayessentialaspectinvasivecharacterexamineddonefield-collectedBelgiumeitherunheatedindoordeterminedPossibleseasonalchangestakenaccountmonitoringmonthremainedrelativelyconstantranging3contrastclearlyincreasedprogressed-18-1327-14proportionindividualsthusencounterproblemssurvivingdueprematureactivationtimesfoodavailablevaried18241222MorphtypesexinfluenceadultsadditionparametersdifferedgreatlyimplyingresearchbasedsolelyrepresentativesituationsconcludestrongHenablespeciesestablishlargepartscontinentCold

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