Predictors of unrecognized HIV infection among poor and ethnic men who have sex with men in Los Angeles.

Sean D Young, Steven Shoptaw, Robert E Weiss, Brett Munjas, Pamina M Gorbach
Author Information
  1. Sean D Young: Division of Infectious Diseases/Program in Global Health, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.


This study evaluates associations between unrecognized HIV infection and demographic factors, internalized homonegativity, drug use, and sexual behaviors among HIV positive men who have sex with men (MSM). We analyzed data from 347 HIV positive participants from the Los Angeles site for NIDA's Sexual Acquisition and Transmission of HIV-Cooperative Agreement Program. Participants were HIV positive MSM and MSM/W and predominantly African American (36.0%) or Latino (38.7%), and unemployed (82.8%). Results from a multivariate logistic regression suggest that, compared to HIV positive participants who correctly reported their HIV positive status, being African-American (OR: 9.81, CI: 1.2-77.9) or Latino (OR: 10.92, CI: 1.3-88.4) rather than White, MSM/W rather than MSM (OR: 3.24, CI: 1.09-9.62), and having higher homonegativity scores (OR: 1.22, CI: 1.02-1.4) is associated with unrecognized HIV infection, controlling for age, education, and homelessness. Findings provide some immediate evidence to help craft HIV prevention interventions.


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  1. K01 MH090884/NIMH NIH HHS
  2. U01 DA017394/NIDA NIH HHS
  3. U01 DA017394-04/NIDA NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Black or African American
HIV Seropositivity
Hispanic or Latino
Homosexuality, Male
Logistic Models
Los Angeles
Middle Aged
Sexual Partners
Substance-Related Disorders
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0HIVpositive1menOR:CI:unrecognizedinfectionMSMhomonegativityamongsexparticipantsLosAngelesMSM/WLatino94ratherstudyevaluatesassociationsdemographicfactorsinternalizeddrugusesexualbehaviorsanalyzeddata347siteNIDA'sSexualAcquisitionTransmissionHIV-CooperativeAgreementProgramParticipantspredominantlyAfricanAmerican360%387%unemployed828%ResultsmultivariatelogisticregressionsuggestcomparedcorrectlyreportedstatusAfrican-American812-7710923-88White32409-962higherscores2202-1associatedcontrollingageeducationhomelessnessFindingsprovideimmediateevidencehelpcraftpreventioninterventionsPredictorspoorethnic

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