Perceiving interpersonally-mediated risk in virtual environments.

David B Portnoy, Natalie D Smoak, Kerry L Marsh
Author Information
  1. David B Portnoy: Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA; National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.


Using virtual reality (VR) to examine risky behavior that is mediated by interpersonal contact, such as agreeing to have sex, drink, or smoke with someone, offers particular promise and challenges. Social contextual stimuli that might trigger impulsive responses can be carefully controlled in virtual environments (VE), and yet manipulations of risk might be implausible to Participants if they do not feel sufficiently immersed in the environment. The current study examined whether individuals can display adequate evidence of presence in a VE that involved potential interpersonally-induced risk: meeting a potential dating partner. Results offered some evidence for the potential of VR for the study of such interpersonal risk situations. Participants' reaction to the scenario and risk-associated responses to the situation suggested that the embodied nature of virtual reality override the reality of the risk's impossibility, allowing Participants to experience adequate situational embedding, or presence.


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  1. R01 MH078738-02/NIMH NIH HHS
  2. R01 MH078738/NIMH NIH HHS
  3. R01 MH078738-04/NIMH NIH HHS
  4. R01 MH078738-03/NIMH NIH HHS
  5. R01 MH078738-01A2/NIMH NIH HHS

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0virtualrealityriskpotentialVRinterpersonalmightresponsescanenvironmentsVEparticipantsstudyadequateevidencepresenceUsingexamineriskybehaviormediatedcontactagreeingsexdrinksmokesomeoneoffersparticularpromisechallengesSocialcontextualstimulitriggerimpulsivecarefullycontrolledyetmanipulationsimplausiblefeelsufficientlyimmersedenvironmentcurrentexaminedwhetherindividualsdisplayinvolvedinterpersonally-inducedrisk:meetingdatingpartnerResultsofferedsituationsParticipants'reactionscenariorisk-associatedsituationsuggestedembodiednatureoverriderisk'simpossibilityallowingexperiencesituationalembeddingPerceivinginterpersonally-mediated

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