The relationship between workplace, job stress and nurses' tobacco use: a review of the literature.

Pantelis Perdikaris, Eleni Kletsiou, Elpida Gymnopoulou, Vasiliki Matziou
Author Information
  1. Pantelis Perdikaris: General Children's Hospital of Athens Panagiotis & Aglaia Kyriakou, Thivon & Livadias Str, GR 11523, Athens, Greece.


The aim of this study was to provide a summary of the existing published knowledge on the possible relationship between the workplace as a stressor factor and nurses' tobacco use. A systematic review of the literature from 1995 to 2009, using the MEDLINE database took place. Studies, that referred to nurses' smoking habit exclusively or as a part of the study, were included in the review. 491 studies were retrieved and their titles/abstracts were examined systematically. Twenty one studies were retrieved for further consideration by a comprehensive literature review. Ten studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria and they were examined further. There is a conflict on the possible relationship between workplace as a stressor factor and nurses' smoking habits, because there is no evidence on if the nurses' work environment causes smoking initiation.



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MeSH Term

Stress, Psychological

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0nurses'workplacereviewsmokingrelationshiptobaccoliteraturestudiesstudypossiblestressorfactoruseretrievedexaminedjobstressaimprovidesummaryexistingpublishedknowledgesystematic19952009usingMEDLINEdatabasetookplaceStudiesreferredhabitexclusivelypartincluded491titles/abstractssystematicallyTwentyoneconsiderationcomprehensiveTenfulfilledeligibilitycriteriaconflicthabitsevidenceworkenvironmentcausesinitiationuse:nurses

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