Improving digit span assessment of short-term verbal memory.

David L Woods, Mark M Kishiyamaa, E William Lund, Timothy J Herron, Ben Edwards, Oren Poliva, Robert F Hink, Bruce Reed
Author Information
  1. David L Woods: Human Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory, VANCHCS, Martinez, CA, USA.


We measured digit span (DS) in two experiments that used computerized presentation of randomized auditory digits with performance-adapted list length adjustment. A new mean span (MS) metric of DS was developed that showed reduced variance, improved test-retest reliability, and higher correlations with the results of other neuropsychological test results when compared to traditional DS measures. The MS metric also enhanced the sensitivity of forward versus backward span comparisons, enabled the development of normative performance criteria with subdigit precision, and elucidated changes in DS performance with age and education level. Computerized stimulus delivery and improved scoring metrics significantly enhance the precision of DS assessments of short-term verbal memory.


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  1. R01 ES014038/NIEHS NIH HHS
  2. R01 ES014038-03/NIEHS NIH HHS
  3. R01 ES019624/NIEHS NIH HHS
  4. ES014038/NIEHS NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Acoustic Stimulation
Memory, Short-Term
Middle Aged
Neuropsychological Tests
Reproducibility of Results
Time Factors
Verbal Learning
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0DSspandigitMSmetricimprovedresultsperformanceprecisionshort-termverbalmemorymeasuredtwoexperimentsusedcomputerizedpresentationrandomizedauditorydigitsperformance-adaptedlistlengthadjustmentnewmeandevelopedshowedreducedvariancetest-retestreliabilityhighercorrelationsneuropsychologicaltestcomparedtraditionalmeasuresalsoenhancedsensitivityforwardversusbackwardcomparisonsenableddevelopmentnormativecriteriasubdigitelucidatedchangesageeducationlevelComputerizedstimulusdeliveryscoringmetricssignificantlyenhanceassessmentsImprovingassessment

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