Cyanotoxin mixtures and taste-and-odor compounds in cyanobacterial blooms from the Midwestern United States.

Jennifer L Graham, Keith A Loftin, Michael T Meyer, Andrew C Ziegler
Author Information
  1. Jennifer L Graham: United States Geological Survey, Kansas Water Science Center, 4821 Quail Crest Place, Lawrence, Kansas 66049, USA.


The mixtures of toxins and taste-and-odor compounds present during cyanobacterial blooms are not well characterized and of particular concern when evaluating potential human health risks. Cyanobacterial blooms were sampled in twenty-three Midwestern United States lakes and analyzed for community composition, thirteen cyanotoxins by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and immunoassay, and two taste-and-odor compounds by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Aphanizomenon, Cylindrospermopsis and/or Microcystis were dominant in most (96%) blooms, but community composition was not strongly correlated with toxin and taste-and-odor occurrence. Microcystins occurred in all blooms. Total microcystin concentrations measured by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and immunoassay were linearly related (r(s) = 0.76, p < 0.01) and LC/MS/MS concentrations were lower than or similar to ELISA in most (85%) samples. Geosmin (87%), 2-methylisoborneol (39%), anatoxin-a (30%), saxitoxins (17%), cylindrospermopsins (9%), and nodularin-R (9%) also were present in these blooms. Multiple classes of cyanotoxins occurred in 48% of blooms and 95% had multiple microcystin variants. Toxins and taste-and-odor compounds frequently co-occurred (91% of blooms), indicating odor may serve as a warning that cyanotoxins likely are present. However, toxins occurred more frequently than taste-and-odor compounds, so odor alone does not provide sufficient warning to ensure human-health protection.

MeSH Term

Bacterial Toxins
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Midwestern United States


Bacterial Toxins

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0bloomstaste-and-odorcompoundspresentcyanotoxinschromatography/massspectrometryoccurredmixturestoxinscyanobacterialMidwesternUnitedStatescommunitycompositionliquidimmunoassaymicrocystinconcentrations09%frequentlyodorwarningwellcharacterizedparticularconcernevaluatingpotentialhumanhealthrisksCyanobacterialsampledtwenty-threelakesanalyzedthirteentwogasAphanizomenonCylindrospermopsisand/orMicrocystisdominant96%stronglycorrelatedtoxinoccurrenceMicrocystinsTotalmeasuredlinearlyrelatedrs=76p<01LC/MS/MSlowersimilarELISA85%samplesGeosmin87%2-methylisoborneol39%anatoxin-a30%saxitoxins17%cylindrospermopsinsnodularin-RalsoMultipleclasses48%95%multiplevariantsToxinsco-occurred91%indicatingmayservelikelyHoweveraloneprovidesufficientensurehuman-healthprotectionCyanotoxin

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