A systems model for immune cell interactions unravels the mechanism of inflammation in human skin.

Najl V Valeyev, Christian Hundhausen, Yoshinori Umezawa, Nikolay V Kotov, Gareth Williams, Alex Clop, Crysanthi Ainali, Christos Ouzounis, Sophia Tsoka, Frank O Nestle
Author Information
  1. Najl V Valeyev: St John's Institute of Dermatology, King's College London, London, United Kingdom. N.Valeyev@kent.ac.uk


Inflammation is characterized by altered cytokine levels produced by cell populations in a highly interdependent manner. To elucidate the mechanism of an inflammatory reaction, we have developed a mathematical model for immune cell interactions via the specific, dose-dependent cytokine production rates of cell populations. The model describes the criteria required for normal and pathological immune system responses and suggests that alterations in the cytokine production rates can lead to various stable levels which manifest themselves in different disease phenotypes. The model predicts that pairs of interacting immune cell populations can maintain homeostatic and elevated extracellular cytokine concentration levels, enabling them to operate as an immune system switch. The concept described here is developed in the context of psoriasis, an immune-mediated disease, but it can also offer mechanistic insights into other inflammatory pathologies as it explains how interactions between immune cell populations can lead to disease phenotypes.


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  1. /Wellcome Trust
  2. G0601387/Medical Research Council

MeSH Term

Dose-Response Relationship, Immunologic
Gene Expression Profiling
Genome-Wide Association Study
Models, Biological
Signal Transduction
Systems Biology



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0cellimmunecytokinepopulationsmodelcanlevelsinteractionsdiseasemechanisminflammatorydevelopedproductionratessystemleadphenotypesInflammationcharacterizedalteredproducedhighlyinterdependentmannerelucidatereactionmathematicalviaspecificdose-dependentdescribescriteriarequirednormalpathologicalresponsessuggestsalterationsvariousstablemanifestdifferentpredictspairsinteractingmaintainhomeostaticelevatedextracellularconcentrationenablingoperateswitchconceptdescribedcontextpsoriasisimmune-mediatedalsooffermechanisticinsightspathologiesexplainssystemsunravelsinflammationhumanskin

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