Looking backwards, looking forward: hopes for bioethics' next twenty-five years.

Susan Sherwin
Author Information
  1. Susan Sherwin: Department of Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4P9, Canada. ssherwin@dal.ca


I reflect on the past, present, and future of the field of bioethics. In so doing, I offer a very situated overview of where bioethics has been, where it now is, where it seems to be going, where I think we could do better, and where I dearly hope the field will be heading. I also propose three ways of re-orienting our theoretic tools to guide us in a new direction: (1) adopt an ethics of responsibility; (2) explore the responsibilities of various kinds of actors and relationships among them; (3) expand the types of participants engaged in bioethics.

MeSH Term

Models, Theoretical
Social Justice

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0bioethicsfieldreflectpastpresentfutureoffersituatedoverviewnowseemsgoingthinkbetterdearlyhopewillheadingalsoproposethreewaysre-orientingtheoretictoolsguideusnewdirection:1adoptethicsresponsibility2exploreresponsibilitiesvariouskindsactorsrelationshipsamong3expandtypesparticipantsengagedLookingbackwardslookingforward:hopesbioethics'nexttwenty-fiveyears

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