Physicians' and Nurses' Own Health Practices: A survey.

R D Janes, D M Wilson, J Singer
Author Information


We sent an anonymous self-report questionnaire on personal health practices to 141 nurses, 72 family physicians, and 171 specialists in the greater Hamilton area. All groups had similar lifestyle behaviors; differences between groups and between men and women were found for disease detection and prevention and health care use. Health professionals could significantly improve personal health practices, benefiting both themselves and their patients.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthpersonalpracticesgroupsHealthsentanonymousself-reportquestionnaire141nurses72familyphysicians171specialistsgreaterHamiltonareasimilarlifestylebehaviorsdifferencesmenwomenfounddiseasedetectionpreventioncareuseprofessionalssignificantlyimprovebenefitingpatientsPhysicians'Nurses'Practices:survey

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