Rifampicin reduces susceptibility to ofloxacin in rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis through efflux.

Gail E Louw, Robin M Warren, Nicolaas C Gey van Pittius, Rosalba Leon, Adelina Jimenez, Rogelio Hernandez-Pando, Christopher R E McEvoy, Melanie Grobbelaar, Megan Murray, Paul D van Helden, Thomas C Victor
Author Information
  1. Gail E Louw: Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa.


RATIONALE: Central dogma suggests that rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis develops solely through rpoB gene mutations.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether rifampicin induces efflux pumps activation in rifampicin resistant M. tuberculosis strains thereby defining rifampicin resistance levels and reducing ofloxacin susceptibility.
METHODS: Rifampicin and/or ofloxacin minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined in rifampicin resistant strains by culture in BACTEC 12B medium. Verapamil and reserpine were included to determine their effect on rifampicin and ofloxacin susceptibility. RT-qPCR was applied to assess expression of efflux pump/transporter genes after rifampicin exposure. To determine whether verapamil could restore susceptibility to first-line drugs, BALB/c mice were infected with a MDR-TB strain and treated with first-line drugs with/without verapamil.
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN FINDINGS: Rifampicin MICs varied independently of rpoB mutation and genetic background. Addition reserpine and verapamil significantly restored rifampicin susceptibility (p = 0.0000). RT-qPCR demonstrated that rifampicin induced differential expression of efflux/transporter genes in MDR-TB isolates. Incubation of rifampicin mono-resistant strains in rifampicin (2 ��g/ml) for 7 days induced ofloxacin resistance (MIC > 2 ��g/ml) in strains with an rpoB531 mutation. Ofloxacin susceptibility was restored by exposure to efflux pump inhibitors. Studies in BALB/c mice showed that verapamil in combination with first-line drugs significantly reduced pulmonary CFUs after 1 and 2 months treatment (p < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Exposure of rifampicin resistant M. tuberculosis strains to rifampicin can potentially compromise the efficacy of the second-line treatment regimens containing ofloxacin, thereby emphasising the need for rapid diagnostics to guide treatment. Efflux pump inhibitors have the potential to improve the efficacy of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment.


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  1. /Wellcome Trust
  2. 087383/Wellcome Trust

MeSH Term

Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Antibiotics, Antitubercular
Bacterial Proteins
Calcium Channel Blockers
Cell Culture Techniques
DNA-Directed RNA Polymerases
Disease Models, Animal
Mice, Inbred BALB C
Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant


Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Antibiotics, Antitubercular
Bacterial Proteins
Calcium Channel Blockers
rpoB protein, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
DNA-Directed RNA Polymerases

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0rifampicinofloxacinsusceptibilitystrainstuberculosiseffluxverapamiltreatmentresistancedetermineresistantRifampicinfirst-linedrugs2MycobacteriumrpoBwhetherMtherebyMICsreserpineRT-qPCRexpressiongenesexposureBALB/cmiceMDR-TBmutationsignificantlyrestoredp0induced��g/mlpumpinhibitorsefficacyRATIONALE:CentraldogmasuggestsdevelopssolelygenemutationsOBJECTIVE:inducespumpsactivationdefininglevelsreducingMETHODS:and/orminimuminhibitoryconcentrationsdeterminedcultureBACTEC12BmediumVerapamilincludedeffectappliedassesspump/transporterrestoreinfectedstraintreatedwith/withoutMEASUREMENTSANDMAINFINDINGS:variedindependentlygeneticbackgroundAddition=0000demonstrateddifferentialefflux/transporterisolatesIncubationmono-resistant7daysMIC>rpoB531OfloxacinStudiesshowedcombinationreducedpulmonaryCFUs1months<05CONCLUSION:Exposurecanpotentiallycompromisesecond-lineregimenscontainingemphasisingneedrapiddiagnosticsguideEffluxpotentialimproveanti-tuberculosisdrugreducesrifampicin-resistant

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