Gender differences for initiating teriparatide therapy: baseline data from the Direct Assessment of Nonvertebral Fracture in the Community Experience (DANCE) study.

M Wong, X Wan, V Ruff, K Krohn, K Taylor
Author Information
  1. M Wong: Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Corporate Center, Drop Code 2234, Indianapolis, IN 42225, USA.


The prospective, observational Direct Assessment of Nonvertebral Fracture in the Community Experience (DANCE) study shows that, among patients with risk factors for osteoporosis, women are more likely to be screened and to receive appropriate treatment than men. There needs to be greater awareness that osteoporosis affects both men and women.
INTRODUCTION: The prospective, observational DANCE study evaluated teriparatide use in the mainland USA and Puerto Rico in patients with osteoporosis in a community setting. This analysis compares baseline characteristics of women and men that may contribute to differences in initiation of teriparatide therapy.
METHODS: Investigators prescribed teriparatide 20 μg/day subcutaneous injection for ≤24 months to 3,698 patients (3,342 women, 356 men) whom they considered appropriate candidates for therapy. Study entry was guided by product labeling. Specific timing and frequency of office visits were not mandated. Treatment decisions were based on the clinical judgment of study investigators and local standards of care.
RESULTS: At baseline, similar proportions of women and men had prior fragility fractures (57% and 59%, respectively) and comorbid conditions that increase fracture risk (83% and 84%, respectively). Women were older than men (mean age 68 vs. 65 year; P < 0.0001) and more likely to have received prior osteoporosis therapy (88% vs. 62%; P < 0.0001). Investigators prescribed teriparatide more often for women than men based on general frailty (21% vs. 16%; P = 0.0151), low body mass index (17% vs. 10%; P = 0.0005), and an inadequate response (58% vs. 36%; P < 0.0001) or intolerance to previous therapy (23% vs. 12%; P < 0.0001). Chronic glucocorticoid therapy was the reason investigators cited most frequently for initiating therapy more often in men than in women (17% vs. 10%; P < 0.0001)
CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that patients' gender may influence the reasons physicians initiate teriparatide therapy in a community setting.


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MeSH Term

Age Distribution
Bone Density
Bone Density Conservation Agents
Drug Prescriptions
Femur Neck
Hip Joint
Lumbar Vertebrae
Middle Aged
Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal
Osteoporotic Fractures
Patient Selection
Prospective Studies
Secondary Prevention
Sex Factors


Bone Density Conservation Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0menwomentherapyvsteriparatideP < 00001studyosteoporosisDANCEpatientsbaselineprospectiveobservationalDirectAssessmentNonvertebralFractureCommunityExperiencerisklikelyappropriatecommunitysettingmaydifferencesInvestigatorsprescribed3basedinvestigatorspriorrespectivelyoftenP = 017%10%initiatingshowsamongfactorsscreenedreceivetreatmentneedsgreaterawarenessaffectsINTRODUCTION:evaluatedusemainlandUSAPuertoRicoanalysiscomparescharacteristicscontributeinitiationMETHODS:20μg/daysubcutaneousinjection≤24months698342356consideredcandidatesStudyentryguidedproductlabelingSpecifictimingfrequencyofficevisitsmandatedTreatmentdecisionsclinicaljudgmentlocalstandardscareRESULTS:similarproportionsfragilityfractures57%59%comorbidconditionsincreasefracture83%84%Womenoldermeanage6865yearreceived88%62%generalfrailty21%16%0151lowbodymassindex0005inadequateresponse58%36%intoleranceprevious23%12%ChronicglucocorticoidreasoncitedfrequentlyCONCLUSIONS:resultssuggestpatients'genderinfluencereasonsphysiciansinitiateGendertherapy:data

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