Looking through the cracks of diabetic candidal balanoposthitis!

Shyam B Verma, Uwe Wollina
Author Information
  1. Shyam B Verma: Nirwana Clinic, Baroda, Gujarat, India;


India is becoming an epicentre of type II diabetes mellitus with a crude prevalence rate of about 9%. Candida balanoposthitis is a known feature of diabetes mellitus especially in Indian males who are predominantly uncircumcised. In this country, diabetes is often diagnosed for the first time by dermatologists. Diabetes is much more frequently the cause of candida balanoposthitis than sexual intercourse in India. Fissuring along with balanoposthitis was found to be more common in sexually active males. The biomechanical basis of fissuring and the effect of diabetes in this phenomenon are explained. The issue of circumcision is debated under various aspects.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0diabetesmellitusbalanoposthitisIndiamalesbecomingepicentretypeIIcrudeprevalencerate9%CandidaknownfeatureespeciallyIndianpredominantlyuncircumcisedcountryoftendiagnosedfirsttimedermatologistsDiabetesmuchfrequentlycausecandidasexualintercourseFissuringalongfoundcommonsexuallyactivebiomechanicalbasisfissuringeffectphenomenonexplainedissuecircumcisiondebatedvariousaspectsLookingcracksdiabeticcandidalbalanoposthitis!balanoposthitisdermatology

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