- S Păun: Clinica de Chirurgie, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Bucureşti, România.
INTRODUCTION: Understanding the epidemiological data on injuries is the cornerstone of modern interventions targeting prevention and treatment to decrease their mortality and morbidity.
METHOD: Systematic review of English literature using computer searching and selecting articles that describe the epidemiological data for the main causes of nowadays trauma.
RESULTS: Trauma meets the conditions of a pandemy, 5.8 million people dying evey year and 8.4 million being expected in 2020. Trauma is one of the main five causes of mortality and morbidity for all age groups below 60 years. Most deaths caused by road car accidents occur in young adults aged 15-44 years. Over half of deaths by drowning occur between 0-14 years. Over 40% of mortality by falls occurs in people over 70 years. 60% of deaths by poisoning occurs in people 15-59 years. Over 60% of human aggression mortality occurs in young adults aged 15-44 years. Suicide occurs most often in people between 15-44 years. Alcohol consumption is closely correlated with mortality and morbidity due to trauma.
CONCLUSIONS: Modem trauma system management should always consider that trauma mortality is the number most easily to measure and to reporte, but it represent only the tip of the iceberg.