Social support needs for equity in health and social care: a thematic analysis of experiences of people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Jose C de Carvalho Leite, Maria de L Drachler, Anne Killett, Swati Kale, Luis Nacul, Maggie McArthur, Chia Swee Hong, Lucy O'Driscoll, Derek Pheby, Peter Campion, Eliana Lacerda, Fiona Poland
Author Information
  1. Jose C de Carvalho Leite: School of Allied Health Professions, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, United Kingdom, NR4 7TJ, UK.


BACKGROUND: Needs-based resource allocation is fundamental to equitable care provision, which can meet the often-complex, fluctuating needs of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). This has posed challenges both for those providing and those seeking support providers, in building shared understanding of the condition and of actions to address it. This qualitative study reports on needs for equity in health and social care expressed by adults living with CFS/ME.
METHODS: The participants were 35 adults with CFS/ME in England, purposively selected to provide variation in clinical presentations, social backgrounds and illness experiences. Accounts of experienced needs and needs-related encounters with health and social services were obtained through a focus group (n = 6) and semi-structured interviews (n = 35). These were transcribed and needs related topics identified through data-led thematic analysis.
FINDINGS: Participants emphasised needs for personalised, timely and sustained support to alleviate CFS/ME impacts and regain life control, in three thematic areas: (1) Illness symptoms, functional limitations and illness management; (2) practical support and social care; (3) financial support. Access of people with CFS/ME to support from health and social services was seen to be constrained by barriers stemming from social, cultural, organisational and professional norms and practices, further heightened for disadvantaged groups including some ethnic minorities. These reduced opportunities for their illness to be explained or associated functional limitations and social disadvantages to be addressed through social support. Participants sought more understanding of bio-psycho-social aspects of CFS/ME, of felt needs of people with CFS/ME and of human rights and disability rights, for providing person-centred, equitable care.
CONCLUSIONS: Changes in attitudes of health practitioners, policy makers and general public and more flexibly organised health and social care provision are needed to address equity issues in support needs expressed by people with CFS/ME, to be underpinned by research-based knowledge and communication, for public and professional education. Policy development should include shared decision-making and coordinated action across organizations working for people with CFS/ME, human rights and disadvantaged groups. Experiences of people with CFS/ME can usefully inform an understanding of equity in their health and social care.


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0socialCFS/MEneedssupportpeoplehealthcareequityunderstandingillnessthematicrightsequitableprovisioncanprovidingsharedaddressexpressedadults35experiencesservicesn=analysisParticipantsfunctionallimitationsprofessionaldisadvantagedgroupshumanpublicBACKGROUND:Needs-basedresourceallocationfundamentalmeetoften-complexfluctuatingChronicFatigueSyndrome/MyalgicEncephalomyelitisposedchallengesseekingprovidersbuildingconditionactionsqualitativestudyreportslivingMETHODS:participantsEnglandpurposivelyselectedprovidevariationclinicalpresentationsbackgroundsAccountsexperiencedneeds-relatedencountersobtainedfocusgroup6semi-structuredinterviewstranscribedrelatedtopicsidentifieddata-ledFINDINGS:emphasisedpersonalisedtimelysustainedalleviateimpactsregainlifecontrolthreeareas:1Illnesssymptomsmanagement2practical3financialAccessseenconstrainedbarriersstemmingculturalorganisationalnormspracticesheightenedincludingethnicminoritiesreducedopportunitiesexplainedassociateddisadvantagesaddressedsoughtbio-psycho-socialaspectsfeltdisabilityperson-centredCONCLUSIONS:Changesattitudespractitionerspolicymakersgeneralflexiblyorganisedneededissuesunderpinnedresearch-basedknowledgecommunicationeducationPolicydevelopmentincludedecision-makingcoordinatedactionacrossorganizationsworkingExperiencesusefullyinformSocialcare:chronicfatiguesyndrome/myalgicencephalomyelitis

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