[Current coagulation diagnostics in intensive care medicine].

T Lang
Author Information
  1. T Lang: Gerinnungsambulanz Südheide, Tiergarten 2, 29362, Hohne, Germany. t.lang@gerinnungsambulanz-suedheide.de


In the preoperative setting, a standardized questionnaire on bleeding history cannot be replaced by the Quick test or activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) measurement. Thrombelastometry provides rapid measurement of coagulation in the intra- and postoperative settings. Besides the Quick test and APTT, thrombelastometry provides information about clot firmness and clot stability. This allows goal-directed management in coagulopathy, which results in a reduction of transfusion of blood products. Furthermore, this can lead to not only an overall reduced length of stay in the hospital, but also in the intensive care unit, thus, contributing to a significant cost reduction.


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MeSH Term

Blood Coagulation Tests
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Early Diagnosis
Hemorrhagic Disorders
Partial Thromboplastin Time
Platelet Aggregation
Postoperative Hemorrhage
Predictive Value of Tests
Preoperative Care
Prothrombin Time



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0QuicktestAPTTmeasurementprovidescoagulationclotreductionintensivecarepreoperativesettingstandardizedquestionnairebleedinghistoryreplacedactivatedpartialthromboplastintimeThrombelastometryrapidintra-postoperativesettingsBesidesthrombelastometryinformationfirmnessstabilityallowsgoal-directedmanagementcoagulopathyresultstransfusionbloodproductsFurthermorecanleadoverallreducedlengthstayhospitalalsounitthuscontributingsignificantcost[Currentdiagnosticsmedicine]

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