Optoelectronic reservoir computing.

Y Paquot, F Duport, A Smerieri, J Dambre, B Schrauwen, M Haelterman, S Massar
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Reservoir computing is a recently introduced, highly efficient bio-inspired approach for processing time dependent data. The basic scheme of reservoir computing consists of a non linear recurrent dynamical system coupled to a single input layer and a single output layer. Within these constraints many implementations are possible. Here we report an optoelectronic implementation of reservoir computing based on a recently proposed architecture consisting of a single non linear node and a delay line. Our implementation is sufficiently fast for real time information processing. We illustrate its performance on tasks of practical importance such as nonlinear channel equalization and speech recognition, and obtain results comparable to state of the art digital implementations.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0computingreservoirsinglerecentlyprocessingtimenonlinearlayerimplementationsimplementationReservoirintroducedhighlyefficientbio-inspiredapproachdependentdatabasicschemeconsistsrecurrentdynamicalsystemcoupledinputoutputWithinconstraintsmanypossiblereportoptoelectronicbasedproposedarchitectureconsistingnodedelaylinesufficientlyfastrealinformationillustrateperformancetaskspracticalimportancenonlinearchannelequalizationspeechrecognitionobtainresultscomparablestateartdigitalOptoelectronic

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