Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections in children: A population-based assessment.

Otto G Vanderkooi, Daniel B Gregson, James D Kellner, Kevin B Laupland
Author Information
  1. Otto G Vanderkooi: Department of Paediatrics;


BACKGROUND: Although Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of bloodstream infections, population-based data on these infections in children are limited.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology of S aureus bacteremia in children.
METHODS: Population-based surveillance for all incident S aureus bacteremias was conducted among children (18 years of age or younger) living in the Calgary Health Region (Alberta) from 2000 to 2006.
RESULTS: During the seven-year study, 120 S aureus bloodstream infections occurred among 119 patients; 27% were nosocomial, 18% health care associated and 56% community acquired. The annual incidence was 6.5/100,000 population and 0.094/1000 live births. A total of 52% had a significant underlying condition, and this was higher for nosocomial cases. Bone and joint (40%), bacteremia without a focus (33%), and skin and soft tissue infections (15%) were the most common clinical syndromes. Infections due to methicillin-resistant S aureus were uncommon (occurring in one infection) and three patients (2.5%) died.
CONCLUSIONS: S aureus bacteremia is an important cause of morbidity in the paediatric age group. Underlying medical conditions and implanted devices are important risk factors. Methicillin-resistant S aureus and mortality rates are low.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0aureusSinfectionsStaphylococcusbloodstreamchildrenbacteremiacausepopulation-basedamongagepatientsnosocomialsyndromesinfectionimportantBACKGROUND:AlthoughmajordatalimitedOBJECTIVE:describeepidemiologyMETHODS:Population-basedsurveillanceincidentbacteremiasconducted18yearsyoungerlivingCalgaryHealthRegionAlberta20002006RESULTS:seven-yearstudy120occurred11927%18%healthcareassociated56%communityacquiredannualincidence65/100000population0094/1000livebirthstotal52%significantunderlyingconditionhighercasesBonejoint40%withoutfocus33%skinsofttissue15%commonclinicalInfectionsduemethicillin-resistantuncommonoccurringonethree25%diedCONCLUSIONS:morbiditypaediatricgroupUnderlyingmedicalconditionsimplanteddevicesriskfactorsMethicillin-resistantmortalityrateslowchildren:assessmentBloodstreamClinical

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