Comprehensive genomic studies: emerging regulatory, strategic, and quality assurance challenges for biorepositories.

Sandra A McDonald, Elaine R Mardis, David Ota, Mark A Watson, John D Pfeifer, Jonathan M Green
Author Information
  1. Sandra A McDonald: Laboratory for Translational Pathology, Dept of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 Euclid Ave, Box 8118, St Louis, MO 63110, USA.


As part of the molecular revolution sweeping medicine, comprehensive genomic studies are adding powerful dimensions to medical research. However, their power exposes new regulatory, strategic, and quality assurance challenges for biorepositories. A key issue is that unlike other research techniques commonly applied to banked specimens, nucleic acid sequencing, if sufficiently extensive, yields data that could identify a patient. This evolving paradigm renders the concepts of anonymized and anonymous specimens increasingly outdated. The challenges for biorepositories in this new era include refined consent processes and wording, selection and use of legacy specimens, quality assurance procedures, institutional documentation, data sharing, and interaction with institutional review boards. Given current trends, biorepositories should consider these issues now, even if they are not currently experiencing sample requests for genomic analysis. We summarize our current experiences and best practices at Washington University Medical School, St Louis, MO, our perceptions of emerging trends, and recommendations.


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  1. P30 CA091842/NCI NIH HHS
  2. UL1 TR000448/NCATS NIH HHS
  3. UL1RR024992/NCRR NIH HHS
  4. UL1 RR024992/NCRR NIH HHS
  5. P30 CA91842/NCI NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Biological Specimen Banks
Ethics Committees, Research
Genetic Research
Information Dissemination
Quality Assurance, Health Care

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0biorepositoriesgenomicqualityassurancechallengesspecimensresearchnewregulatorystrategicdatainstitutionalcurrenttrendsemergingpartmolecularrevolutionsweepingmedicinecomprehensivestudiesaddingpowerfuldimensionsmedicalHoweverpowerexposeskeyissueunliketechniquescommonlyappliedbankednucleicacidsequencingsufficientlyextensiveyieldsidentifypatientevolvingparadigmrendersconceptsanonymizedanonymousincreasinglyoutdatederaincluderefinedconsentprocesseswordingselectionuselegacyproceduresdocumentationsharinginteractionreviewboardsGivenconsiderissuesnowevencurrentlyexperiencingsamplerequestsanalysissummarizeexperiencesbestpracticesWashingtonUniversityMedicalSchoolStLouisMOperceptionsrecommendationsComprehensivestudies:

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