Phimosis in children.

Sukhbir Kaur Shahid
Author Information
  1. Sukhbir Kaur Shahid: Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Shahid Medical Centre, Mumbai-400 077, India.


Phimosis is nonretraction of prepuce. It is normally seen in younger children due to adhesions between prepuce and glans penis. It is termed pathologic when nonretractability is associated with local or urinary complaints attributed to the phimotic prepuce. Physicians still have the trouble to distinguish between these two types of phimosis. This ignorance leads to undue parental anxiety and wrong referrals to urologists. Circumcision was the mainstay of treatment for pathologic phimosis. With advent of newer effective and safe medical and conservative surgical techniques, circumcision is gradually getting outmoded. Parents and doctors should a be made aware of the noninvasive options for pathologic phimosis for better outcomes with minimal or no side-effects. Also differentiating features between physiologic and pathologic phimosis should be part of medical curriculum to minimise erroneous referrals for surgery.


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0pathologicphimosisprepucePhimosischildrenreferralsmedicalnonretractionnormallyseenyoungerdueadhesionsglanspenistermednonretractabilityassociatedlocalurinarycomplaintsattributedphimoticPhysiciansstilltroubledistinguishtwotypesignoranceleadsundueparentalanxietywrongurologistsCircumcisionmainstaytreatmentadventnewereffectivesafeconservativesurgicaltechniquescircumcisiongraduallygettingoutmodedParentsdoctorsmadeawarenoninvasiveoptionsbetteroutcomesminimalside-effectsAlsodifferentiatingfeaturesphysiologicpartcurriculumminimiseerroneoussurgery

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