Analysis of radiology business models.

Dieter R Enzmann, Donald F Schomer
Author Information
  1. Dieter R Enzmann: Department of Radiological Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024, USA.


As health care moves to value orientation, radiology's traditional business model faces challenges to adapt. The authors describe a strategic value framework that radiology practices can use to best position themselves in their environments. This simplified construct encourages practices to define their dominant value propositions. There are 3 main value propositions that form a conceptual triangle, whose vertices represent the low-cost provider, the product leader, and the customer intimacy models. Each vertex has been a valid market position, but each demands specific capabilities and trade-offs. The underlying concepts help practices select value propositions they can successfully deliver in their competitive environments.

MeSH Term

Competitive Behavior
Economic Competition
Efficiency, Organizational
Marketing of Health Services
Models, Organizational
Planning Techniques
Practice Management, Medical

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0valuepracticespropositionsbusinessradiologycanpositionenvironmentsmodelshealthcaremovesorientationradiology'straditionalmodelfaceschallengesadaptauthorsdescribestrategicframeworkusebestsimplifiedconstructencouragesdefinedominant3mainformconceptualtrianglewhoseverticesrepresentlow-costproviderproductleadercustomerintimacyvertexvalidmarketdemandsspecificcapabilitiestrade-offsunderlyingconceptshelpselectsuccessfullydelivercompetitiveAnalysis

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