Profiling of androgen response in rainbow trout pubertal testis: relevance to male gonad development and spermatogenesis.

Antoine D Rolland, Aurélie Lardenois, Anne-Sophie Goupil, Jean-Jacques Lareyre, Rémi Houlgatte, Frédéric Chalmel, Florence Le Gac
Author Information
  1. Antoine D Rolland: INRA, UR1037 LPGP, SFR Biosit, Biogenouest, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, France.


The capacity of testicular somatic cells to promote and sustain germ cell differentiation is largely regulated by sexual steroids and notably androgens. In fish species the importance of androgens is emphasized by their ability to induce sex reversal of the developing fries and to trigger spermatogenesis. Here we studied the influence of androgens on testicular gene expression in trout testis using microarrays. Following treatment of immature males with physiological doses of testosterone or 11-ketotestosterone, 418 genes that exhibit changes in expression were identified. Interestingly, the activity of testosterone appeared stronger than that of 11-ketotestosterone. Expression profiles of responsive genes throughout testis development and in isolated germ cells confirmed androgens to mainly affect gene expression in somatic cells. Furthermore, specific clusters of genes that exhibit regulation coincidently with changes in the natural circulating levels of androgens during the reproductive cycle were highlighted, reinforcing the physiological significance of these data. Among somatic genes, a phylogenetic footprinting study identified putative androgen response elements within the proximal promoter regions of 42 potential direct androgen target genes. Finally, androgens were also found to alter the germ line towards meiotic expression profiles, supporting the hypothesis of a role for the somatic responsive genes in driving germ cell fate. This study significantly increases our understanding of molecular pathways regulated by androgens in vertebrates. The highly cyclic testicular development in trout together with functions associated with regulated genes reveal potential mechanisms for androgen actions in tubule formation, steroid production, germ cell development and sperm secretion.


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MeSH Term

Cluster Analysis
Computational Biology
Data Mining
Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental
Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Promoter Regions, Genetic
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Response Elements



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0androgensgenesgermsomaticexpressiondevelopmentandrogentesticularcellscellregulatedtroutspermatogenesisgenetestisphysiologicaltestosterone11-ketotestosteroneexhibitchangesidentifiedprofilesresponsivestudyresponsepotentialcapacitypromotesustaindifferentiationlargelysexualsteroidsnotablyfishspeciesimportanceemphasizedabilityinducesexreversaldevelopingfriestriggerstudiedinfluenceusingmicroarraysFollowingtreatmentimmaturemalesdoses418InterestinglyactivityappearedstrongerExpressionthroughoutisolatedconfirmedmainlyaffectFurthermorespecificclustersregulationcoincidentlynaturalcirculatinglevelsreproductivecyclehighlightedreinforcingsignificancedataAmongphylogeneticfootprintingputativeelementswithinproximalpromoterregions42directtargetFinallyalsofoundalterlinetowardsmeioticsupportinghypothesisroledrivingfatesignificantlyincreasesunderstandingmolecularpathwaysvertebrateshighlycyclictogetherfunctionsassociatedrevealmechanismsactionstubuleformationsteroidproductionspermsecretionProfilingrainbowpubertaltestis:relevancemalegonad

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