Three-dimensional sonohysterography for examination of the uterine cavity in women with abnormal uterine bleeding: Preliminary findings.

L M Sconfienza, F Lacelli, V Caldiera, N Perrone, F Piscopo, N Gandolfo, G Serafini
Author Information
  1. L M Sconfienza: Unit of Radiology, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, University of Milan School of Medicine, San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy.


INTRODUCTION: To compare the diagnostic values of three-dimensional sonohysterography (3DSH), transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS), and 2-dimensional sonohysterography (2DSH) in the work-up of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), in particular the ability of each method to identify intracavitary lesions arising from the endometrium or uterine wall.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 24 patients referred for AUB underwent TVUS followed by 2-D and 3-D HS in the same session. Three-dimensional data were acquired with a free-hand technique during maximal distention of the uterus. Within 10 days of the sonographic session, each patient underwent hysteroscopy, which was considered the reference standard. For each of the 3 imaging methods, we calculated sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy.
RESULTS: Hysteroscopy demonstrated the presence of an intrauterine lesion in 21/24 patients (87.5%). In 3/24 patients hysteroscopy was negative. For TVUS, 2DSH, and 3DSH, sensitivity was 76% (16/21), 90% (19/21), 100% (21/21), respectively; specificity was 100% (3/3), 100% (19/19), 100% (21/21); PPV was 100%, 100%, 100%; NPV was 37%, 60%, 100%; accuracy was 76%, 90%, 100%.
CONCLUSIONS: 3DSH is more sensitive that 2DSH or TVUS in the detection of intrauterine lesions. If these preliminary results are confirmed in larger studies, 3DSH could be proposed as a valuable alternative to diagnostic hysteroscopy.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0100%uterinesonohysterography3DSHTVUS2DSHpatientsThree-dimensionalhysteroscopydiagnosticabnormalbleedingAUBlesionsunderwentsessionsensitivityspecificitypredictivevaluePPVnegativeNPVaccuracyHysteroscopyintrauterine76%90%21/21INTRODUCTION:comparevaluesthree-dimensionaltransvaginalultrasound2-dimensionalwork-upparticularabilitymethodidentifyintracavitaryarisingendometriumwallMATERIALSANDMETHODS:24referredfollowed2-D3-DHSdataacquiredfree-handtechniquemaximaldistentionuterusWithin10dayssonographicpatientconsideredreferencestandard3imagingmethodscalculatedpositiveRESULTS:demonstratedpresencelesion21/24875%3/2416/2119/21respectively3/319/1937%60%CONCLUSIONS:sensitivedetectionpreliminaryresultsconfirmedlargerstudiesproposedvaluablealternativeexaminationcavitywomenbleeding:PreliminaryfindingsAbnormalSonohysterography

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