- Gregory J Nason: Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology, Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland;
BACKGROUND: In this paper, we identify and analyze the top 100 cited articles in urology since 1965 and assess changes in the top 100 since 2007.
METHODS: We selected highest impact journals in both urological and general medicine journals from the 2011 edition of Journal Citation Reports: Science edition. We identified and analyzed the 100 most cited articles using the Science Citation Index Expanded (1965-present).
RESULTS: The top 100 articles were cited a mean of 892 times (range: 529-2088) and published between 1966 and 2009, with 21 published since 2000. In 2012, 19 new articles appeared in the updated top 100 cited articles. Also, 16 journals were represented, led by the New England Journal of Medicine (n=36), the Journal of Urology (n=16) and the Lancet (n=12). In total, 81 articles were published from North America (USA=77, Canada=4). From the United States, the following institutes were among the top 5 represented: Johns Hopkins University (n=12), Harvard University, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, National Institute of Health and Washington University (all 5). Only one institute outside the United States published more than one article in the top 100 (Institut Gustave Roussy, France). Nine urologists were first authors of 2 or more articles. Oncology (n=54) and transplantation (n=22) were the most common subspecialties represented.
CONCLUSION: It is important to acknowledge the top cited articles as they mark key topics and advances in urology. There has been a 19% change in the top 100 cited articles in the past 5 years. Oncology and transplantation remain the most highly cited topics.