The impact of personalised therapies on respiratory medicine.

J Stuart Elborn
Author Information
  1. J Stuart Elborn: Centre for Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queens University, Belfast, UK.


Stratified approaches to treating disease are very attractive, as efficacy is maximised by identifying responders using a companion diagnostic or by careful phenotyping. This approach will spare non-responders form potential side-effects. This has been pioneered in oncology where single genes or gene signatures indicate tumours that will respond to specific chemotherapies. Stratified approaches to the treatment of asthma with biological therapies are currently being extensively studied. In cystic fibrosis (CF), therapies have been developed that are targeted at specific functional classes of mutations. Ivacaftor, the first of such therapies, potentiates dysfunctional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein Class III mutations and is now available in the USA and some European countries. Pivotal studies in patients with a G551D mutation, the most common Class III mutation, have demonstrated significant improvements in clinically important outcomes such as spirometry and exacerbations. Sweat chloride was significantly reduced demonstrating a functional effect on the dysfunctional CFTR protein produced by the G551D mutation. Symptom scores are also greatly improved to a level that indicates that this is a transformational treatment for many patients. This stratified approach to the development of therapies based on the functional class of the mutations in CF is likely to lead to new drugs or combinations that will correct the basic defect in many patients with CF.


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MeSH Term

Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator
Genetic Predisposition to Disease
Molecular Targeted Therapy
Patient Selection
Precision Medicine
Pulmonary Medicine
Respiratory System Agents
Treatment Outcome


CFTR protein, human
Respiratory System Agents
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0therapieswillCFfunctionalmutationspatientsmutationStratifiedapproachesapproachspecifictreatmentcysticfibrosisdysfunctionalCFTRproteinClassIIIG551Dmanytreatingdiseaseattractiveefficacymaximisedidentifyingrespondersusingcompaniondiagnosticcarefulphenotypingsparenon-respondersformpotentialside-effectspioneeredoncologysinglegenesgenesignaturesindicatetumoursrespondchemotherapiesasthmabiologicalcurrentlyextensivelystudieddevelopedtargetedclassesIvacaftorfirstpotentiatestransmembraneconductanceregulatornowavailableUSAEuropeancountriesPivotalstudiescommondemonstratedsignificantimprovementsclinicallyimportantoutcomesspirometryexacerbationsSweatchloridesignificantlyreduceddemonstratingeffectproducedSymptomscoresalsogreatlyimprovedlevelindicatestransformationalstratifieddevelopmentbasedclasslikelyleadnewdrugscombinationscorrectbasicdefectimpactpersonalisedrespiratorymedicine

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