Ligand-binding dynamics rewire cellular signaling via estrogen receptor-α.

Sathish Srinivasan, Jerome C Nwachukwu, Alex A Parent, Valerie Cavett, Jason Nowak, Travis S Hughes, Douglas J Kojetin, John A Katzenellenbogen, Kendall W Nettles
Author Information
  1. Sathish Srinivasan: Department of Cancer Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, Florida, USA.


Ligand-binding dynamics control allosteric signaling through the estrogen receptor-α (ERα), but the biological consequences of such dynamic binding orientations are unknown. Here, we compare a set of ER ligands having dynamic binding orientation (dynamic ligands) with a control set of isomers that are constrained to bind in a single orientation (constrained ligands). Proliferation of breast cancer cells directed by constrained ligands is associated with DNA binding, coactivator recruitment and activation of the estrogen-induced gene GREB1, reflecting a highly interconnected signaling network. In contrast, proliferation driven by dynamic ligands is associated with induction of ERα-mediated transcription in a DNA-binding domain (DBD)-dependent manner. Further, dynamic ligands showed enhanced anti-inflammatory activity. The DBD-dependent profile was predictive of these signaling patterns in a larger diverse set of natural and synthetic ligands. Thus, ligand dynamics directs unique signaling pathways and reveals a new role of the DBD in allosteric control of ERα-mediated signaling.

Associated Data

PDB | 4IU7; 4IUI; 4IV2; 4IV4; 4IVW; 4IVY; 4IW6; 4IW8; 4IWC; 4IWF
PubChem-Substance | 161004174; 161004175; 161004176; 161004177; 161004178; 161004179; 161004180; 161004181; 161004182; 161004183; 161004184; 161004185; 161004186; 161004187; 161004188; 161004189; 161004190; 161004191


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  8. R33 CA132022/NCI NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Allosteric Regulation
Cell Proliferation
Estrogen Receptor alpha
HEK293 Cells
MCF-7 Cells
Models, Molecular
Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Molecular Structure
Signal Transduction


Estrogen Receptor alpha

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ligandssignalingdynamicdynamicscontrolbindingsetconstrainedLigand-bindingallostericestrogenreceptor-αorientationassociatedERα-mediatedDBDERαbiologicalconsequencesorientationsunknowncompareERisomersbindsingleProliferationbreastcancercellsdirectedDNAcoactivatorrecruitmentactivationestrogen-inducedgeneGREB1reflectinghighlyinterconnectednetworkcontrastproliferationdriveninductiontranscriptionDNA-bindingdomain-dependentmannershowedenhancedanti-inflammatoryactivityDBD-dependentprofilepredictivepatternslargerdiversenaturalsyntheticThusliganddirectsuniquepathwaysrevealsnewrolerewirecellularvia

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