Platelet Activation Test in Unprocessed Blood (Pac-t-UB) to Monitor Platelet Concentrates and Whole Blood of Thrombocytopenic Patients.

Mark Roest, Thijs C van Holten, Ger-Jan Fleurke, Jasper A Remijn
Author Information
  1. Mark Roest: Department of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.


BACKGROUND: Platelet concentrate transfusion is the standard treatment for hemato-oncology patients to compensate for thrombocytopenia. We have developed a novel platelet activation test in anticoagulated unprocessed blood (pac-t-UB) to determine platelet function in platelet concentrates and in blood of thrombocytopenic patients.
METHODS: We have measured platelet activity in a platelet concentrate and in anticoagulated unprocessed blood of a post-transfusion thrombocytopenic patient.
RESULTS: Our data show time-dependent platelet activation by GPVI agonist (collagen related peptide; CRP), PAR-1 agonist (SFLLRN), P2Y12 agonist (ADP), and thromboxane receptor agonist (U46619) in a platelet concentrate. Furthermore, pac-t-UB showed time-dependent platelet activation in unprocessed blood of a post-transfusion patient with thrombocytopenia. Testing platelet function by different agonists in relation to storage show that 3-day-old platelet concentrates are still reactive to the studied agonists. This reactivity rapidly drops for each agonists during longer storage.
DISCUSSION: Pac-t-UB is a novel tool to estimate platelet function by different agonists in platelet concentrates and in unprocessed blood of thrombocytopenic patients. In the near future, we will validate whether pac-t-UB is an adequate test to monitor the quality of platelet concentrates and whether pac-t-UB predicts the bleeding risk of transfused thrombocytopenic patients.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0plateletPlateletbloodconcentratespatientsactivationunprocessedpac-t-UBfunctionthrombocytopenicagonistagonistsconcentratestoragetransfusionthrombocytopenianoveltestanticoagulatedpost-transfusionpatientshowtime-dependentdifferentPac-t-UBwhetherBloodBACKGROUND:standardtreatmenthemato-oncologycompensatedevelopeddetermineMETHODS:measuredactivityRESULTS:dataGPVIcollagenrelatedpeptideCRPPAR-1SFLLRNP2Y12ADPthromboxanereceptorU46619FurthermoreshowedTestingrelation3-day-oldstillreactivestudiedreactivityrapidlydropslongerDISCUSSION:toolestimatenearfuturewillvalidateadequatemonitorqualitypredictsbleedingrisktransfusedActivationTestUnprocessedMonitorConcentratesWholeThrombocytopenicPatientsFlowcytometryPlateletsThrombocytopenia

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