Effects of a differential observing response on intraverbal performance of preschool children: a preliminary investigation.

April N Kisamore, Amanda M Karsten, Charlotte C Mann, Kerry Ann Conde
Author Information
  1. April N Kisamore: Western New England University.


Axe (2008) speculated that some instances of intraverbal responding might be associated with limited or delayed acquisition because they require discrimination of multiple components of verbal stimuli. Past studies suggest that acquisition of responses under control of complex, multicomponent antecedent stimuli (e.g., conditional or compound stimulus control) can be facilitated with the introduction of a differential observing response (DOR; Dube & McIlvane, 1999; Gutowski, Geren, Stromer, & Mackay, 1995). The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effects of a DOR (i.e., repeating the question) on intraverbal responding with six neurotypical preschool children. Findings included that (a) accuracy of intraverbal performance increased when the experimenter prompted a DOR; (b) 1 of 6 participants overtly emitted the DOR for a second relation in the absence of prompts, which was correlated with increased accuracy; and (c) following mastery, response accuracy was variable for 3 participants. Based on these findings, prompted DORs may offer an effective, if temporary, aid to intraverbal instruction for neurotypical preschool children.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0intraverbalresponseDORpreschooldifferentialobservingchildrenaccuracyrespondingacquisitiondiscriminationverbalstimuliresponsescontrole&neurotypicalperformanceincreasedpromptedparticipantsAxe2008speculatedinstancesmightassociatedlimiteddelayedrequiremultiplecomponentsPaststudiessuggestcomplexmulticomponentantecedentgconditionalcompoundstimuluscanfacilitatedintroductionDubeMcIlvane1999GutowskiGerenStromerMackay1995purposecurrentstudyevaluateeffectsirepeatingquestionsixFindingsincludedexperimenterb16overtlyemittedsecondrelationabsencepromptscorrelatedcfollowingmasteryvariable3BasedfindingsDORsmayoffereffectivetemporaryaidinstructionEffectschildren:preliminaryinvestigationtrainingbehavior

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