Knowledge of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention among men who have sex with men in Denver, Colorado.

Alia A Al-Tayyib, Mark W Thrun, Jason S Haukoos, N Eugene Walls
Author Information
  1. Alia A Al-Tayyib: Denver Public Health, Denver Health and Hospital Authority, 605 Bannock Street, Denver, CO, 80204-4507, USA,


As part of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Denver, Colorado, we assessed knowledge of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP); willingness to use PrEP; and potential changes in risk behaviors among HIV-negative participants reporting sexual activity with a male partner in the preceding 12 months. We examined knowledge of PrEP before (2008) and after (2011) results of the iPrEx trial were available. Of the 425 participants in the 2008 sample, 91 (21 %) were aware of PrEP compared to 131 (28 %) of the 461 participants in the 2011 sample (adjusted prevalence ratio: 1.43, 95 % confidence interval: 1.18, 1.72). Despite the increase in 2011, few MSM in Denver were aware of PrEP. Educating high-risk MSM about the potential utility of PrEP as an adjunct to other effective prevention methods is needed when considering the addition of PrEP to the HIV prevention arsenal.


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  1. R01 AI106057/NIAID NIH HHS
  2. U62 PS000954/NCHHSTP CDC HHS
  3. U62-PS000954/NCHHSTP CDC HHS

MeSH Term

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
HIV Infections
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Homosexuality, Male
Interviews as Topic
Middle Aged
Multivariate Analysis
Primary Prevention
Sexual Partners
Socioeconomic Factors
Surveys and Questionnaires
Unsafe Sex
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PrEPmenHIVamongMSMDenverparticipants20111preventionsexColoradoknowledgepre-exposureprophylaxispotential2008sampleawarepartNationalBehavioralSurveillanceSystemassessedwillingnessusechangesriskbehaviorsHIV-negativereportingsexualactivitymalepartnerpreceding12 monthsexaminedresultsiPrExtrialavailable4259121 %compared13128 %461adjustedprevalenceratio:4395 %confidenceinterval:1872DespiteincreaseEducatinghigh-riskutilityadjuncteffectivemethodsneededconsideringadditionarsenalKnowledge

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