[Emergencies and humanitarian aid in cases of armed conflict].

Mylène Ben Hamida, Sélim Hamdani, Wafa Limam, Mounir Daghfous
Author Information
  1. Mylène Ben Hamida: mylene.benhamida@gmail.com


The Libyan revolution which began in February 2011 caused a massive influx of refugees of different nationalities into Tunisia. A refugee camp was gradually set up by the Tunisian authorities in collaboration with civil society and international humanitarian organisations. The refugees' health care and emergency treatment became a necessity.

MeSH Term

Civil Disorders
Emergency Medical Services
Relief Work

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0humanitarianLibyanrevolutionbeganFebruary2011causedmassiveinfluxrefugeesdifferentnationalitiesTunisiarefugeecampgraduallysetTunisianauthoritiescollaborationcivilsocietyinternationalorganisationsrefugees'healthcareemergencytreatmentbecamenecessity[Emergenciesaidcasesarmedconflict]

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