Incidence and economical effects of pneumonia in the older population living in French nursing homes: design and methods of the INCUR study.

Laurent Demougeot, Yves Rolland, Stéphane Gérard, Delphine Pennetier, Marilyne Duboué, Bruno Vellas, Matteo Cesari
Author Information
  1. Laurent Demougeot: Gérontopôle, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France.


BACKGROUND: Among the most burdensome clinical conditions occurring in older persons, respiratory infections are particularly relevant. In fact, the onset of pneumonias is associated with a significant worsening of the individual's global health status and significant increase of healthcare costs. The clinical and economical negative consequences of pneumonia may be particularly evident among the frailest groups of elders, in particular those living in nursing home. Nevertheless, specific research on incidence and economical effects of pneumonia in nursing homes residents is still scarce. In the present article, we present the rationale, the design and the methods of the "Incidence of pneumonia and related ConseqUences in nursing home Resident (INCUR) study, specifically aimed at filling some of the gaps currently present in the field.
METHODS/DESIGN: INCUR is an observational longitudinal study recruiting 800 residents across 13 randomly selected nursing homes in France. Multidimensional evaluations of participants are conducted at the baseline, mid-term (at 6 months), and end of the study (at 12 months) visits in order to measure and follow-up their physical function, nutrition, cognition, depression, quality of life, and healthcare costs. Incident pneumonia as well as the onset/recurrence of other major health-related events are monitored during the study follow-up.
DISCUSSION: The INCUR study will provide valuable information about older persons living in nursing homes. Results from INCUR study may constitute the basis for the development of future preventive campaigns against pneumonia and its consequences.


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MeSH Term

Health Care Costs
Health Services for the Aged
Homes for the Aged
Longitudinal Studies
Middle Aged
Quality of Life
Research Design

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0studynursingpneumoniaINCURoldereconomicallivinghomespresentclinicalpersonsparticularlysignificanthealthcarecostsconsequencesmayhomeeffectsresidentsdesignmethodsmonthsfollow-upBACKGROUND:Amongburdensomeconditionsoccurringrespiratoryinfectionsrelevantfactonsetpneumoniasassociatedworseningindividual'sglobalhealthstatusincreasenegativeevidentamongfrailestgroupseldersparticularNeverthelessspecificresearchincidencestillscarcearticlerationale"IncidencepNeumoniarelatedConseqUencesResidentspecificallyaimedfillinggapscurrentlyfieldMETHODS/DESIGN:observationallongitudinalrecruiting800across13randomlyselectedFranceMultidimensionalevaluationsparticipantsconductedbaselinemid-term6end12visitsordermeasurephysicalfunctionnutritioncognitiondepressionqualitylifeIncidentwellonset/recurrencemajorhealth-relatedeventsmonitoredDISCUSSION:willprovidevaluableinformationResultsconstitutebasisdevelopmentfuturepreventivecampaignsIncidencepopulationFrenchhomes:

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