- M Rand-Weaver: Department of Biology and Biochemistry, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, England.
Somatolactin (SL) is a novel pituitary hormone recently characterized in several fish species. Structural analyses have shown that SL belongs to the growth hormone/prolactin family, and that it is a highly conserved protein. SL is synthesized by the periodic acid/Schiff-positive cells in the pars intermedia, but has an as yet unidentified function(s). We have recently developed a homologous radioimmunoassay for coho salmon SL and measured plasma levels of SL during two stages of the coho salmon life cycle, smoltification and sexual maturation. During smoltification, plasma levels of SL changed almost in parallel with plasma levels of thyroxine; levels increased as morphological indices of smoltification appeared and decreased as smoltification was completed. Following this period, SL levels remained low until the spring prior to spawning. In a separate study, plasma levels of SL were measured in sexually maturing coho salmon that remained in fresh water throughout their life cycle. During the year of sexual maturation, plasma levels of SL gradually increased from the spring onward, reaching peak levels at the time of spawning in November and December. These data are similar to those previously reported for sexually maturing coho salmon that were maintained in seawater prior to spawning (Rand-Weaver et al. 1992). Therefore, increases in plasma SL levels occurred in sexually maturing fish irrespective of whether they were maintained in fresh water or seawater. Peak levels at spawning were higher than those observed during smoltification. Possible roles for SL in metabolism and reproduction are discussed.