Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA expression in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch: Tissue distribution and effects of growth hormone/prolactin family proteins.

C Duan, S J Duguay, E M Plisetskaya
Author Information
  1. C Duan: School of Fisheries HF-15, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195, U.S.A..


To examine the hormonal and nutritional regulation of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA expression, a sequence-specific solution hybridization/RNase protection assay for coho salmon IGF-I mRNA was developed. This assay is both rapid and sensitive and has low inter- (less than 15%) and intra-assay variations (less than 5%). Using this assay, the tissue distribution of IGF-I mRNA and effects of growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and somatolactin (SL) on hepatic IGF-I mRNA expression in coho salmon were examined in vivo. Liver had the highest IGF-I mRNA level of 16 pg/μg DNA. Significant amounts of IGF-I mRNA were also found in all other tissues examined (intestine 4.1, kidney 3.8, gill arch 2.4, brain 2.4, ovary 2.3, muscle 2.1, spleen 1.7 and fat 1.1 pg/μg DNA). Injection of coho salmon GH at doses of 0.1 and 1 μg/g body weight significantly increased the hepatic IGF-I mRNA levels in a dose-dependent manner. Injection of coho salmon SL, a recently discovered member of the GH/PRL family, stimulated the IGF-I mRNA expression at the higher dose (1 μg/g), whereas coho salmon PRL had no effect at either dose. Concentration-dependent stimulation by coho salmon GH was also obtained in vitro in primary culture of salmon hepatocytes in concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1 μg/ml. These results indicate that IGF-I mRNA expression occurs in a variety of tissues in coho salmon, and that at least the hepatic expression is under the regulation of GH and possibly other hormones. The sequence-specific assay established in the present study can be used for accurate quantitation of IGF-I mRNA in salmonid species, and can contribute to a better understanding of the physiology of IGF-I in salmonids.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0IGF-ImRNAsalmon1cohoexpressiongrowthassayGH2hepatic4regulationfactorsequence-specificlessdistributioneffectsPRLSLexaminedpg/μgDNAalsotissues3Injection0μg/gfamilydosecanexaminehormonalnutritionalinsulin-likesolutionhybridization/RNaseprotectiondevelopedrapidsensitivelowinter-15%intra-assayvariations5%UsingtissuehormoneprolactinsomatolactinvivoLiverhighestlevel16Significantamountsfoundintestinekidney8gillarchbrainovarymusclespleen7fatdosesbodyweightsignificantlyincreasedlevelsdose-dependentmannerrecentlydiscoveredmemberGH/PRLstimulatedhigherwhereaseffecteitherConcentration-dependentstimulationobtainedvitroprimaryculturehepatocytesconcentrationsranging01μg/mlresultsindicateoccursvarietyleastpossiblyhormonesestablishedpresentstudyusedaccuratequantitationsalmonidspeciescontributebetterunderstandingphysiologysalmonidsInsulin-likeOncorhynchuskisutch:Tissuehormone/prolactinproteins

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