Differential expression of serum/plasma proteins in various infectious diseases: specific or nonspecific signatures.

Sandipan Ray, Sandip K Patel, Vipin Kumar, Jagruti Damahe, Sanjeeva Srivastava
Author Information
  1. Sandipan Ray: Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Wadhwani Research Centre for Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India.


Apart from direct detection of the infecting organisms or biomarker of the pathogen itself, surrogate host markers are also useful for sensitive and early diagnosis of pathogenic infections. Early detection of pathogenic infections, discrimination among closely related diseases with overlapping clinical manifestations, and monitoring of disease progression can be achieved by analyzing blood biomarkers. Therefore, over the last decade large numbers of proteomics studies have been conducted to identify differentially expressed human serum/plasma proteins in different infectious diseases with the intent of discovering novel potential diagnostic/prognostic biomarkers. However, in-depth review of the literature indicates that many reported biomarkers are altered in the same way in multiple infectious diseases, regardless of the type of infection. This might be a consequence of generic acute phase reactions, while the uniquely modulated candidates in different pathogenic infections could be indicators of some specific responses. In this review article, we will provide a comprehensive analysis of differentially expressed serum/plasma proteins in various infectious diseases and categorize the protein markers associated with generic or specific responses. The challenges associated with the discovery, validation, and translational phases of serum/plasma biomarker establishment are also discussed.



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MeSH Term

Acute-Phase Proteins
Acute-Phase Reaction
Blood Proteins
Communicable Diseases
Disease Progression
Gene Expression Regulation
Global Health
International Agencies
Reference Standards


Acute-Phase Proteins
Blood Proteins

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0diseasesserum/plasmaproteinsinfectiouspathogenicinfectionsbiomarkersspecificdetectionbiomarkermarkersalsodifferentiallyexpresseddifferentreviewgenericphaseresponsesvariousassociatedApartdirectinfectingorganismspathogensurrogatehostusefulsensitiveearlydiagnosisEarlydiscriminationamongcloselyrelatedoverlappingclinicalmanifestationsmonitoringdiseaseprogressioncanachievedanalyzingbloodThereforelastdecadelargenumbersproteomicsstudiesconductedidentifyhumanintentdiscoveringnovelpotentialdiagnostic/prognosticHoweverin-depthliteratureindicatesmanyreportedalteredwaymultipleregardlesstypeinfectionmightconsequenceacutereactionsuniquelymodulatedcandidatesindicatorsarticlewillprovidecomprehensiveanalysiscategorizeproteinchallengesdiscoveryvalidationtranslationalphasesestablishmentdiscussedDifferentialexpressiondiseases:nonspecificsignaturesAcuteBiomarkersInfectiousPlasmaSerum

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