Polymorphism of the merozoite surface protein-1 block 2 region in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Mauritania.

Mohamed Salem O Ahmedou Salem, Magatte Ndiaye, Mohamed OuldAbdallahi, Khadijetou M Lekweiry, Hervé Bogreau, Lassana Konaté, Babacar Faye, Oumar Gaye, Ousmane Faye, Ali O Mohamed Salem O Boukhary
Author Information
  1. Ali O Mohamed Salem O Boukhary: Laboratoire de Biotechnologie, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université des Sciences, de Technologie et de Médecine, Nouakchott, PO Box 5026, Nouakchott, Mauritanie. alimedsalem@gmail.com.


BACKGROUND: The genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum has been extensively studied in various parts of the world. However, limited data are available from Mauritania. The present study examined and compared the genetic diversity of P. falciparum isolates in Mauritania.
METHODS: Plasmodium falciparum isolates blood samples were collected from 113 patients attending health facilities in Nouakchott and Hodh El Gharbi regions. K1, Mad20 and RO33 allelic family of msp-1 gene were determined by nested PCR amplification.
RESULTS: K1 family was the predominant allelic type carried alone or in association with Ro33 and Mad20 types (90%; 102/113). Out of the 113 P. falciparum samples, 93(82.3%) harboured more than one parasite genotype. The overall multiplicity of infection was 3.2 genotypes per infection. There was no significant correlation between multiplicity of infection and age of patients. A significant increase of multiplicity of infection was correlated with parasite densities.
CONCLUSIONS: The polymorphism of P. falciparum populations from Mauritania was high. Infection with multiple P. falciparum clones was observed, as well as a high multiplicity of infection reflecting both the high endemicity level and malaria transmission in Mauritania.


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MeSH Term

Child, Preschool
Malaria, Falciparum
Merozoite Surface Protein 1
Plasmodium falciparum
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Polymorphism, Genetic
Young Adult


Merozoite Surface Protein 1

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0falciparumMauritaniainfectionPmultiplicityPlasmodiumisolateshighgeneticdiversitysamples113patientsK1Mad20allelicfamilyparasite2significantBACKGROUND:extensivelystudiedvariouspartsworldHoweverlimiteddataavailablepresentstudyexaminedcomparedMETHODS:bloodcollectedattendinghealthfacilitiesNouakchottHodhElGharbiregionsRO33msp-1genedeterminednestedPCRamplificationRESULTS:predominanttypecarriedaloneassociationRo33types90%102/11393823%harbouredonegenotypeoverall3genotypespercorrelationageincreasecorrelateddensitiesCONCLUSIONS:polymorphismpopulationsInfectionmultipleclonesobservedwellreflectingendemicitylevelmalariatransmissionPolymorphismmerozoitesurfaceprotein-1blockregion

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