Anesthetic Challenges in Robotic-assisted Urologic Surgery.

Richard L Hsu, Alan D Kaye, Richard D Urman
Author Information
  1. Richard L Hsu: Department of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston MA.
  2. Alan D Kaye: Department of Anesthesia, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA.
  3. Richard D Urman: Department of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston MA.


Robotic-assisted surgery has evolved over the past two decades with constantly improving technology, assisting surgeons in multiple subspecialty disciplines. The surgical requirements of lithotomy and steep Trendelenburg positions, along with the creation of a pneumoperitoneum and limited access to the patient, all present anesthetic management challenges in urologic surgery. patient positioning requirements can cause significant physiologic effects and may result in many complications. Good communication among team members and knowledge of the nuances of robotic surgery have the potential to improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency, and reduce surgical and anesthetic complications.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0surgerycomplicationsRobotic-assistedsurgicalrequirementspatientanestheticPatientpositioningUrologicevolvedpasttwodecadesconstantlyimprovingtechnologyassistingsurgeonsmultiplesubspecialtydisciplineslithotomysteepTrendelenburgpositionsalongcreationpneumoperitoneumlimitedaccesspresentmanagementchallengesurologiccancausesignificantphysiologiceffectsmayresultmanyGoodcommunicationamongteammembersknowledgenuancesroboticpotentialimproveoutcomesincreaseefficiencyreduceAnestheticChallengesSurgeryAnesthesiaPeripheralnerveinjuryPneumoperitoneumRobotic

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