VCGDB: a dynamic genome database of the Chinese population.

Yunchao Ling, Zhong Jin, Mingming Su, Jun Zhong, Yongbing Zhao, Jun Yu, Jiayan Wu, Jingfa Xiao
Author Information
  1. Jun Yu: CAS Key Laboratory of Genome Sciences and Information, Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China.


BACKGROUND: The data released by the 1000 Genomes Project contain an increasing number of genome sequences from different nations and populations with a large number of genetic variations. As a result, the focus of human genome studies is changing from single and static to complex and dynamic. The currently available human reference genome (GRCh37) is based on sequencing data from 13 anonymous Caucasian volunteers, which might limit the scope of genomics, transcriptomics, epigenetics, and genome wide association studies.
DESCRIPTION: We used the massive amount of sequencing data published by the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium to construct the Virtual Chinese Genome Database (VCGDB), a dynamic genome database of the Chinese population based on the whole genome sequencing data of 194 individuals. VCGDB provides dynamic genomic information, which contains 35 million single nucleotide variations (SNVs), 0.5 million insertions/deletions (indels), and 29 million rare variations, together with genomic annotation information. VCGDB also provides a highly interactive user-friendly virtual Chinese genome browser (VCGBrowser) with functions like seamless zooming and real-time searching. In addition, we have established three population-specific consensus Chinese reference genomes that are compatible with mainstream alignment software.
CONCLUSIONS: VCGDB offers a feasible strategy for processing big data to keep pace with the biological data explosion by providing a robust resource for genomics studies; in particular, studies aimed at finding regions of the genome associated with diseases.


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MeSH Term

Asian People
Chromosome Mapping
Computational Biology
Databases, Nucleic Acid
Genetics, Population
Genome, Human
Genome-Wide Association Study
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
Search Engine
Web Browser

Links to CNCB-NGDC Resources

Database Commons: DBC000161 (VCGDB)

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0genomedataChinesestudiesdynamicVCGDBvariationssequencingmillion1000GenomesProjectnumberhumansinglereferencebasedgenomicsdatabasepopulationprovidesgenomicinformationBACKGROUND:releasedcontainincreasingsequencesdifferentnationspopulationslargegeneticresultfocuschangingstaticcomplexcurrentlyavailableGRCh3713anonymousCaucasianvolunteersmightlimitscopetranscriptomicsepigeneticswideassociationDESCRIPTION:usedmassiveamountpublishedConsortiumconstructVirtualGenomeDatabasewhole194individualscontains35nucleotideSNVs05insertions/deletionsindels29raretogetherannotationalsohighlyinteractiveuser-friendlyvirtualbrowserVCGBrowserfunctionslikeseamlesszoomingreal-timesearchingadditionestablishedthreepopulation-specificconsensusgenomescompatiblemainstreamalignmentsoftwareCONCLUSIONS:offersfeasiblestrategyprocessingbigkeeppacebiologicalexplosionprovidingrobustresourceparticularaimedfindingregionsassociateddiseasesVCGDB:

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