To clarify the roles of adiponectin receptor (AdipoR) and leptin receptor (ObR) in endometrial carcinoma, the expression of AdipoR-1 and -2 and endometrial cancer was examined immunohistochemically, and correlations with clinicopathological implications were also analysed. Paraffin-embedded tissues were obtained from 77 patients with endometrial carcinoma and were stained immunohistochemically using antibodies against AdipoR-1, AdipoR-2 and ObR. AdipoR-1, AdipoR-2 and ObR.were localised predominantly in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of tumour cells and normal endometrial cells. In 77 cases of endometrial cancer, positive expression was observed in 46 cases (59.7%) for AdipoR-1, 47 cases (61.0%) for AdipoR-2 and 33 cases (42.9%) for ObR. Expression of AdipoR-1 was observed most in stage I cases, G1 tumours, tumours with shallow myometrial invasion, tumours negative for lymphovascular space involvement, cases negative for adnexal invasion and cases with no lymph node metastasis. However, the expression of AdipoR-2 and ObR.showed no correlation with any clinicopathological factors. Kaplan-Meier analyses revealed that progression-free and overall survival times were longer in cases with positive AdipoR-1 expression compared with negative AdipoR-1 expression. Poor expression of AdipoR-1, thus, appears to be associated with tumour grade, myometrial invasion, adnexal invasion, lymph-vascular space involvement and lymph node metastasis, as well as poor prognosis, in endometrial cancer.