Faculty reflections on the process of building an integrated preclerkship curriculum: a new school perspective.

Mohammed K Khalil, Jonathan D Kibble
Author Information
  1. Mohammed K Khalil: Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida khalilmk@greenvillemed.sc.edu.
  2. Jonathan D Kibble: Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.


This is a reflective essay based on the experience of developing a structure and function module within a new integrated medical curriculum. Our hope is that the insights we gained during a 4-yr journey in a new medical school will be transferable to others engaged with curriculum development. Here, we present an interpretive analysis of our personal experiences together with some original research data and a synthesis of the literature. We will argue that a focus on teaching faculty is the key to successful curriculum integration and suggest an agenda for faculty development. Our essay begins by exploring what curriculum integration really means and what its purpose might be. Our case study explores the challenges of building a shared understanding among stakeholders and of negotiating learning outcomes and methods of teaching as well as the process of developing content and assessment. We feel that many of our experiences in the new medical school are applicable in other settings, such as curriculum reform in established schools and for developers of competency-based premedical curricula. We conclude with recommendations to assist other curriculum planners and teachers by offering some benefits of hindsight.



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MeSH Term

Clinical Clerkship
Faculty, Medical

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0curriculumnewmedicalschoolintegrationprocessessaydevelopingintegratedwilldevelopmentexperiencesteachingfacultybuildinglearningreflectivebasedexperiencestructurefunctionmodulewithinhopeinsightsgained4-yrjourneytransferableothersengagedpresentinterpretiveanalysispersonaltogetheroriginalresearchdatasynthesisliteraturearguefocuskeysuccessfulsuggestagendabeginsexploringreallymeanspurposemightcasestudyexploreschallengessharedunderstandingamongstakeholdersnegotiatingoutcomesmethodswellcontentassessmentfeelmanyapplicablesettingsreformestablishedschoolsdeveloperscompetency-basedpremedicalcurriculaconcluderecommendationsassistplannersteachersofferingbenefitshindsightFacultyreflectionspreclerkshipcurriculum:perspectiveactiveeducationteam

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