Screening and Counseling for Tobacco Use in Student Health Clinics: Reports of Health Care Providers.

Erin L Sutfin, Darden C Swords, Eun-Young Song, Beth A Reboussin, Donald Helme, Elizabeth Klein, Mark Wolfson
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PURPOSE: To assess tobacco screening and counseling in student health clinics, including facilitators, barriers, and associations with campus- and state-level variables.
DESIGN: We conducted a mixed-methods study with an online survey and qualitative interviews.
SETTING: Study setting was student health clinics on college campuses.
SUBJECTS: Subjects included 71 clinic directors or designees from 10 Southeastern states (quantitative survey) and 8 directors or designees from 4 Southeastern states (qualitative interviews).
MEASURES: Quantitative measures included demographics, screening and counseling practices, clinic-level supports for such practices, perceptions of tobacco on campus, institution size, public/private status, state tobacco farming revenue, and state tobacco control funding. Qualitative measures included barriers and facilitators of tobacco screening and counseling practices.
ANALYSIS: Logistic and linear regression models assessed correlates of screening and counseling. Qualitative data were analyzed using multistage interpretive thematic analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 55% of online survey respondents reported that their clinics screen for tobacco at every visit, whereas 80% reported their clinics offer counseling and pharmacotherapy. Barriers included lack of the following: time with patients, relevance to chief complaint, student self-identification as a tobacco user, access to pharmacotherapy, and interest in quitting among smokers. In multivariable models, more efforts to reduce tobacco use, student enrollment, and state-level cash receipts for tobacco were positively associated with clinic-level supports.
CONCLUSION: This study highlights missed opportunities for screening. Although reports of counseling were higher, providers identified many barriers.



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  1. R21 CA131749/NCI NIH HHS
  2. R21CA131749/NCI NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Mass Screening
Smoking Cessation
Smoking Prevention
Southeastern United States
State Government
Student Health Services
Surveys and Questionnaires
Tobacco Use

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0tobaccocounselingscreeningstudentclinicsincludedTobaccoHealthbarrierssurveypracticeshealthfacilitatorsstate-levelstudyonlinequalitativeinterviewsStudycollegedirectorsdesigneesSoutheasternstatesmeasuresclinic-levelsupportsstatecontrolQualitativemodelsreportedpharmacotherapyScreeningCounselingStudentResearchTargetpopulationCessationPURPOSE:assessincludingassociationscampus-variablesDESIGN:conductedmixed-methodsSETTING:settingcampusesSUBJECTS:Subjects71clinic10quantitative84MEASURES:Quantitativedemographicsperceptionscampusinstitutionsizepublic/privatestatusfarmingrevenuefundingANALYSIS:LogisticlinearregressionassessedcorrelatesdataanalyzedusingmultistageinterpretivethematicanalysisRESULTS:total55%respondentsscreeneveryvisitwhereas80%offerBarrierslackfollowing:timepatientsrelevancechiefcomplaintself-identificationuseraccessinterestquittingamongsmokersmultivariableeffortsreduceuseenrollmentcashreceiptspositivelyassociatedCONCLUSION:highlightsmissedopportunitiesAlthoughreportshigherprovidersidentifiedmanyUseClinics:ReportsCareProvidersCollegefocus:smokingManuscriptformat:researchOutcomemeasure:behavioralPreventionpurpose:descriptiveSetting:clinical/healthcareStrategy:policychangedesign:mixed-methodage:studentsadultscircumstances:education

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