Sciatic nerve injury repair: a visualized analysis of research fronts and development trends.

Guangyao Liu, Rui Jiang, Yan Jin
Author Information
  1. Guangyao Liu: Department of Orthopedics, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province, China.
  2. Rui Jiang: Department of Orthopedics, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province, China.
  3. Yan Jin: Department of Ophthalmology, Second Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province, China.


A total of 3,446 publications regarding sciatic nerve injury repair and protection indexed by Web of Science during 2000-2004 were used for a detailed analysis of temporal-spatial distribution characteristics. Reference co-citation networks of the 100 top-cited publications as per the number of total citations were created using the Web of Science database and the information visualization tool, CiteSpaceIII. The key words that showed high frequency in these publications were included for analyzing the research fronts and development trends for sciatic nerve injury repair and protection. Through word frequency trend analysis, studies on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, adipose-derived stem cells, and skeletal muscle-derived multipotent stem cells combined with tissue-engineered scaffold material will become the forefronts in the field of sciatic nerve injury repair and protection in the near future.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0nerveinjurysciaticrepairpublicationsprotectionWebScienceanalysisstemcellstotalco-citationnetworksfrequencyresearchfrontsdevelopmenttrendsregeneration3446regardingindexed2000-2004useddetailedtemporal-spatialdistributioncharacteristicsReference100top-citedpernumbercitationscreatedusingdatabaseinformationvisualizationtoolCiteSpaceIIIkeywordsshowedhighincludedanalyzingwordtrendstudiesbonemarrowmesenchymaladipose-derivedskeletalmuscle-derivedmultipotentcombinedtissue-engineeredscaffoldmaterialwillbecomeforefrontsfieldnearfutureSciaticrepair:visualizedCiteSpaceneuralneuroprotectionreference

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