A framework for rating environmental value of urban parks.

Jan Jabben, Miriam Weber, Edwin Verheijen
Author Information
  1. Jan Jabben: RIVM, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Electronic address: jan.jabben@rivm.nl.
  2. Miriam Weber: DCMR, Environmental Protection Agency, Parallelweg 1, 3112 NA Schiedam, The Netherlands. Electronic address: miriam.weber@dcmr.nl.
  3. Edwin Verheijen: dBvision, Groenmarktstraat 39, 3521 AV Utrecht, The Netherlands. Electronic address: edwin.verheijen@dbvision.nl.


In this study, indicators are proposed to characterize the intrinsic environmental properties and external value of urban parks. The intrinsic properties involve both acoustic factors and non-acoustic factors, such as visual aspects and size. To assess external value, the restoration level is defined, which measures the nearby presence of a quiet, 'green' area at residential areas outside parks. The restoration levels of green areas are based on intrinsic properties and the distances of each dwelling to urban park areas. The overall environmental value of a park, the group restoration level, is defined as a logarithmic summation of the restoration levels over its surrounding residential areas. Restoration levels were determined for sixteen public parks in the city of Rotterdam and compared with survey data from questionnaires. Results show that the investigated parks display a large variation in the group restoration level levels, mainly due to differences in size and average noise levels. To validate the proposed method, survey data from questionnaires are investigated as to correlation with restoration levels.


MeSH Term

Conservation of Natural Resources
Surveys and Questionnaires
Urban Population

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0restorationlevelsparksvalueareasintrinsicenvironmentalpropertiesurbanlevelproposedexternalfactorssizedefinedresidentialparkgroupRestorationsurveydataquestionnairesinvestigatedstudyindicatorscharacterizeinvolveacousticnon-acousticvisualaspectsassessmeasuresnearbypresencequiet'green'areaoutsidegreenbaseddistancesdwellingoveralllogarithmicsummationsurroundingdeterminedsixteenpubliccityRotterdamcomparedResultsshowdisplaylargevariationmainlyduedifferencesaveragenoisevalidatemethodcorrelationframeworkratingEnvironmentNoiseParksSoundscape

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