Quality of hospice care: comparison between rural and urban residents.

Marianne Baernholdt, Cathy L Campbell, Ivora D Hinton, Guofen Yan, Erica Lewis
Author Information
  1. Marianne Baernholdt: School of Nursing, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond (Dr Baernholdt); School of Nursing (Drs Campbell and Hinton) and Department of Public Health Sciences (Dr Yan), University of Virginia, Charlottesville; and Department of Nursing, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia (Dr Lewis).


Discrepancies between needed and received hospice care exist, especially in rural areas. Hospice care quality ratings for 743 rural and urban patients and their families were compared. Rural participants reported higher overall satisfaction and with pain/symptom management. Regardless of geographic location, satisfaction was higher when patients were informed and emotionally supported. Patients and family ratings did not differ. Findings support prior reports using retrospective rather than our study's point-of-care surveys.


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  1. R01 DK084200/NIDDK NIH HHS
  2. R01 CA122704/NCI NIH HHS
  3. 3R01CA122704-03S1/NCI NIH HHS
  4. 5R01DK084200-02/NIDDK NIH HHS
  5. K01 NR010556/NINR NIH HHS
  6. K01NR0105556/NINR NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Health Care Surveys
Hospice Care
Patient Satisfaction
Prospective Studies
Quality of Health Care
Rural Health Services
Urban Health Services

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ruralhospicecareratingsurbanpatientshighersatisfactionDiscrepanciesneededreceivedexistespeciallyareasHospicequality743familiescomparedRuralparticipantsreportedoverallpain/symptommanagementRegardlessgeographiclocationinformedemotionallysupportedPatientsfamilydifferFindingssupportpriorreportsusingretrospectiveratherstudy'spoint-of-caresurveysQualitycare:comparisonresidents

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